Remnant Fellowship News

Desert Oasis 2012 at the Remnant Fellowship – A Magnificent Weekend for the Ages!

Words alone would be hard to do it appropriate justice…Desert Oasis 2012 was a weekend to experience and remember in every way! “Desert Oasis,” the name that Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin gave to the event more than 15 years ago, is a perfect one to describe what this annual worldwide conference is all about. It is a REFUGE in the middle of a spiritually-starving, desolate world. When more than 1,000 people gather in one place in one Spirit and with one purpose…to worship in celebrating the sovereign rule of the one true GOD Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ…and you then add another 1,000+ people sharing in the experience via webcast, glorious CHANGE happens! And this was the BEST EVER Desert Oasis in Weigh Down’s history. Countless blessings, life changes, and wholehearted devotion and re-dedication to the Lord were affirmed as a result of Gwen Shamblin’s messages and the testimonies that backed up those messages. To re-cap some of the praises to GOD, keep reading…

The MESSAGES and TESTIMONIES – First and foremost, Gwen spoke powerfully during all three sessions, and the titles and focus points that punctuated the messages made a lasting impact on everyone. Gwen began on Friday with “Total Connection,” followed by Saturday’s “The Connection to the Kingdom,” and the “Connection Conclusion.” Throughout this past week, Weigh Down’s Facebook Group page was full of praises to GOD for these timeless messages…for the clarity, explanation of Scripture, and the incredible action points that resulted from them. As Gwen shared, this connection to GOD is EVERYTHING! And the testimonies that both preceded and followed Gwen’s words were beautiful examples of the fact that this works…not just for weight loss, but for ALL of life!

MUSIC and FELLOWSHIP – Beyond the messages, things were blessed all the way around as well! The wonderful music filled the halls in praise, performance, and concert. The fellowship around the Remnant Fellowship Church Building and Grounds started early and continued late. Lifelong friendships were made and built upon as everyone found that, no matter where they came from or what had happened in their lives prior to finding this Ministry and message, they felt like they were “HOME.” GOD’S Spirit unified everyone, and those bonds run deeper than anything else in this world.

CONNECTING AROUND the WORLD – God answered our prayers and allowed all of the technical equipment to run correctly throughout the weekend. It was a fun and peaceful atmosphere in the tech booth as everyone was focused on glorifying God, using their gifts to help transmit the entire weekend both locally and around the world. The webcasts went off smoothly, which is a huge praise to God! Every participant webcast issue that was brought to the attention of the tech team was resolved in a matter of minutes each time. And technically speaking, the message got out cleanly and clearly to participants online worldwide…in 44 states and 10 countries. Praise GOD!

THE CHILDREN – MORE AMAZING, GOOD FRUIT from this MESSAGE – Also participating throughout the weekend were many of the Remnant Fellowship Church’s CHILDREN. Audience members were moved to tears as 220 children (ages 4 to 17) representing many U.S. States, along with Canada and Austria, recited Scripture, sang in the Youth Choir, and took part in a beautiful processional and worship time. No one who witnessed these children as they shared and sang, along with the children’s stellar conduct throughout the entire weekend, was anything less than blown away at what GOD clearly is doing here! Beyond the youngest children, 50 youth ages 13-17 helped babysit for pre-school children during the weekend. They also babysat the younger children in the Youth Choir to free up room for the many guests who were in attendance. Lastly, 25 youth ages 13-17 helped during registration and during the Desert Oasis lunch times…helping to clear off tables, empty trash, fill water coolers, and babysit. These youth are learning from their earliest ages how live like Jesus Christ, who had His Father’s generous, loving, giving, servant heart throughout his entire life as well. They truly are “Warriors of the King!” Praise GOD!

The TRUTH – AVAILABLE to TAKE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO! – The Resource Room Staff reported that this Desert Oasis was the best ever! They were open for every scheduled time with a full staff. Everything was peaceful…with a loving atmosphere and efficient, quick processing of people’s needs. There was a wonderful spirit of camaraderie everywhere, as everyone found the perfect help and Truth they needed to take home!

The list of blessings and praises could, literally, go on and on and on. And that is a beautiful thing! May the praises continue to be shared on the Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship websites. And STAY TUNED…because we may have some of the events from Desert Oasis AVAILABLE for future viewing…coming soon! Visit and for more details. And may our “Connections” to GOD grow ever stronger each day!

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