Remnant Fellowship News

Words from Gwen – Trumpets to Atonement – the Remnant Fellowship Holy Days

We have been blessed as a congregation throughout the years to have many, many Godly words poured out through Gwen Shamblin…words that have pointed us UPWARDS…into a close, personal relationship with the Almighty GOD.  But the words have been even deeper and more “revelational” than that.  To be able to understand GOD’S CALENDAR and His FESTIVALS and WHY He has set up the days, weeks, and months as He has is a gift from the Heavens that is beyond description!  As we near the end of this year’s “Days of Awe,” Gwen took time this week to pen more important, Spirit-led words to keep our hearts and minds totally focused on the will of the Father.  SO – as we now transition from the “Day of Trumpets” to the “Day of Atonement,” we are sharing those words here on the Remnant News website.  If you are VISITING this site as a guest, please know that you are welcome to join us for this coming Sabbath Day’s Assembly – the “Day of Atonement.”  We will begin at 3:30pm Central Time, and we will follow that Assembly with a Fellowship Meal and time of Celebration!  Now – see these words from Gwen and REJOICE in the fact that what you are reading is not only TRUE (especially in a world full of lies and much useless information that is published/televised/broadcast/publicized on a daily basis), but also that there is MUCH MORE where that came from!  Praise GOD for His Holy Days!


To the Saints who are walking the Path to the Most Holy Place,

The trumpets are still sounding during these Days of Trumpets.  I hear them in the night.  I hear them when I am still before God.  They are calling us to focus on the most important things in life.  Do not miss the opportunity to slow this week down.  Start with today.  Take time to gather your family and talk about their favorite things in life.  Once you get the list—direct them to the fact that the most important things in life are for you to love God and Jesus Christ.  Teach them how to make the transfer using God’s Weigh Down principles [see pages 145-157 of the Weigh Down Diet book].  Then go and light a candle for God.  We have extended the time of lighting candles because the congregation is larger but also so that you can feel free to experience this more than once.  Please use God’s House for these High and Holy Days!

If you love God first and foremost and above all things, then those around you will love God first, foremost, and above all things.  Spend as much time as you can the rest of this week, using the last Days of Trumpets and purging, to shadow the thoughts and hearts of the true Israelites who all found forgiveness from above.  May the sound of the shofar evolve from a fearful sound to a joyful sound as you walk in the light of God’s presence.  Psalm 89:14-18 says…“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory andstrength, and by your favor you exalt our horn. Indeed, our shield belongs to the Lord, our king to the Holy One of Israel.”

May this be the most blessed fasting and Day of Atonement ever.  All my love to God, Christ, and the Saints…

Humbly your Servants,
Gwen, family, and Shepherds


As a reminder, listed below is the schedule for this evening and upcoming weekend…


·   Thursday – 5:30 – 7:30pm – The Church Sanctuary will be open for prayer.

·   Friday day – 11:00am – 1:00pm – The Church Sanctuary will be open for prayer.

·   Friday evening – 5:00pm – 9:00pm – The Church Sanctuary will be open for prayer and candle lighting. The fast will begin at twilight.

·   Sabbath – 10:00am -3:30pm – The Church Sanctuary will be open for prayer and candlelighting.

·   Sabbath Assembly – 3:30pm – The Day of Atonement – We will wear white and/or lighter colors. We will break our fast with a meal together after the assembly.  Food for this Meal will be provided.


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