Remnant Fellowship News

The Legend to the Treasure Series – A Powerful Remnant Fellowship Online Interactive Class Offering

The Legend to the Treasure class

“Many have had trying times even before the financial woes that are in place today. These difficult times are not just going to turn around overnight. Unexpected financial problems reveal the true character of people, and many in this generation are not prepared either financially or spiritually. What you have treasured is about to be revealed. This stress can hit so hard that it quickly affects the weak points of a marriage or mental stability. You will see more depression and divorces and anger and people making desperate decisions. How are you going to handle the upcoming inflation and even greater depression? Are you prepared? Are your family members prepared?

There are many people who will tell you that they can help, but what you truly need is THE TRUTH and THE ANSWERS. You do not need one more organization that uses you but leaves you unchanged and still hopeless. Truth should set you free!

THE LEGEND TO THE TREASURE is the answer. This is a comprehensive look at where we are and where we are going: this country, the world, and the church. It is also an in-depth study of our own compass headings and direction. Most of us need to change and turn our ships around-quickly. Please read the excerpts and view the previews below to this 16-week class and decide for yourselves if this is not the answer that you have been looking for.”

Words from Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin – The Legend to the Treasure Series

That is the PERFECT way to introduce our latest online class offering from Weigh Down…complete with our Facebook Chat time each week on the Weigh Down Ministries Facebook Group Page.  In this series, Gwen’s writings, videos, audios, the book and journal, and our weekly chat times will be FULL.  You will gain a HUGE perspective on not only your OWN heart but also on world events…and what GOD is teaching His people through these events.  This series definitely covers the “big picture,” but Gwen walks participants through the material in a way that EVERYONE can understand!  “The Legend to the Treasure” is a series that you are NOT going to want to miss.  And the chat times each week are invaluable, encouraging, and purposeful.  Interacting with other Saints who are searching for this “treasure” will convict and inspire you.  Make sure you sign up for “The Legend to the Treasure” series THIS WEEK.  Our orientation and initial chat will be this coming Sunday, March 3rd.  And if you are wondering why we say that being a part of the chat time with others is SO VITAL to your success, check out these testimonies from people who are completing the “History of the ONE TRUE GOD” online class.  They speak volumes!

[box]So much change!!! Loving God more, caring about Him and His feelings more. Appreciating everything! Focusing more on the connection and protecting it! This list goes on….Warfare is everywhere! So encouraged that “the Saints will rise above both the sensual desires and Spiritual Warfare – requirements necessary to live forever” (workbook page 158). WE CAN DO THIS!! DONE with projection. I take full responsibility to live for Him! No self.
Loved this class so much. Thanks to all of you! These truths will get me through everything, thank you God!!! Page 110 OTG, What is the Truth? “You have everything if you have God”. What is the Truth? “ God is everything”!! – April[/box]

[box]This book and this class has been laid out so simply for everyone to understand and it just makes PERFECT SENSE! Praise God that we no longer have to wonder or be confused about the Bible or God Himself. Simple yet powerful!
This class has helped me to sort out Truth from all the lies I’ve been taught my whole life. I’ve been set free and delivered in more ways than I can count! – Cherie[/box]

[box]So grateful for the class… loved learning about pride and humility and what Satan’s lies are! It has helped me turn the other way toward God when I hear the lie! The big lie Satan was telling me was “did God really say you are full” and yes, GOD DID really say to stop, I was full! Praise God for this truth. Finally don’t want to eat past full and to be pure for God, to give Him praise and His glory to show and to keep the Church pure. I lost 10 pounds through One True God. Thank you God, through Gwen, for exposing Satan’s tricks…” – Karen[/box]

[box]Before this study, I had many unanswered questions about spiritual warfare and the Truth had really become a gray area to me; but after reading the OTG, understanding has come and it is now black and white to me. Praise You God for deep Truths logically and beautifully presented! – Lora[/box]

[box]I am thankful to God for showing me the control issues I had and He has been so merciful to me and patient! Praise God I can see a difference in my relationship with my husband and my attitude! My love for God has grown more through these 6 weeks and my focus on Him for every aspect of my life is giving me a peace that I had never known before!  I am completely done with projection! When I remember how I used to be blaming everything and everyone…I ask God to forgive me and Praise Him for taking that away through this Truth….and the connection that keeps me in tune with obedience and LOVE! – Melanie  [/box]

As you can see, the results are in…and having the opportunity to share in these awesome testimonies as you go through these classes TOGETHER are a huge key to your success.  SO – Join us on this 16-week journey for “The Legend to the Treasure.”  You’ll be glad that you did!



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