Remnant Fellowship News

Giving Praise to GOD for Joseph Langsdon – Remnant Fellowship Staff Member of the Month – August of 2014

Joseph and Maria Langsdon“Consider it done…”

If you were to spend any time at all around Joseph Langsdon, you wouldn’t have to wait long to hear those words.  Throughout this Ministry and Church, we cannot think of a harder working, more completely- committed-to-seeing-the-tasks-get-done man than Joseph.  Gwen has set the bar HIGH for all of us in this generation.  She literally works nearly ALL THROUGH the day AND night for GOD’S Kingdom.  Her testimony is on record – in that GOD awakens her in the night, and she never fails to respond to His calling…whether it is to read, write, pray, create, design, or ALL of the above!  Following that example established by Gwen, Joseph has committed himself to an always-ready-to-serve mindset.  There aren’t many projects around this place that don’t have Joseph’s time and/or skill devoted to it in some form.  But even more importantly than that, Joseph is a “man under authority.”  We said “Consider it done” to open this article because that is Joseph’s attitude.  He looks for the leading of GOD through his authorities and TRUSTS that GOD is behind that leading.  Then…he takes the tasks assigned and you can “Consider it done” if he is involved.  THAT is a priceless attribute, and it is what every TRUE Christian should adopt for his/her own life!  For that wholehearted devotion, commitment, and selfless service, it is our honor to present to you JOSEPH LANGSDON as our Staff Member of the Month for August of 2014.  As the Summer as wound itself down and Fall has kicked into gear, we are in a time of transition…with updates to our Buildings and Grounds, decorations, facilities projects, video projects, and much more.  Rest assured that you will see Joseph and his family heavily involved every step of the way!  With this said, it was EASY to gather some words of testimony from a few Saints who work closely with Joseph on a regular basis.  In FACT, it was difficult for them to keep it brief!  Suffice it to say, Joseph is beloved by Gwen and by this entire Staff…as well as everyone in this place who knows him at all.  He and his family are invaluable to all that we are and do here, and it is very appropriate and encouraging to share these comments below…

So take a moment to read a few words from some of those co-workers.  You will be encouraged!
[box]Joseph it wholeheartedly committed to the Church and serving this place, no matter what it takes to get the task done.  He is selfless with his time and energy in accomplishing these tasks.  He will do everything within his ability make sure the work gets done, so that every event, concert, video, or wedding is the best experience for the Church and is a light to those outside the Church. – Ryan McCauley[/box][box]Having worked with Joseph for a number of years now, I truly can see what dedication to God’s Kingdom looks like!!  He is tireless and strives daily to fulfill the needs of Weigh Down and the Church.  Joseph’s positive, get it done attitude is always inspiring and His total sold-out servant heart challenges me daily to go further.  His calmness in the face of everyday problems and difficulties is nothing short of amazing.  Joseph also has become very close friend; counted on and truly loved!! – Greg MacPherson[/box][box]Joseph is an incredible example of a man under authority who lives to promote the Kingdom of God and to hold up the arms of those above him and around him.  Selfless, Godly and Humble.  An incredible asset to this Church! – Tedd Anger[/box]
[box]I can’t miss an opportunity to honor Joseph Langsdon.  He is one of the hardest workers I have ever had the privilege of knowing.  It is evident by his life and actions that he is fully committed to God, this Church, and to serving the Saints.  He has not only been an inspiration in his serving and dedication, but he also has used the principals that Gwen has taught us to lovingly help me lay down sin when he saw it in my life!  I am truly grateful to have worked with Joseph on the Church in the past…and to get to serve under him on the tech team here at the Church. – Jonathan Walters[/box][box]Joseph Langsdon is one of a kind!  He loves God and is a very faithful servant to His Church and Kingdom.  He is a strong supporter of Gwen, her family and this ministry that God has led Gwen to establish.  Joseph is a man under authority as well as a tireless worker; at Gwen’s direction, he is the “go to guy” for accomplishing so many things involving the work God is doing through Remnant Fellowship Church and Weigh Down Ministries.  He is certainly a blessing to everyone that works with him! – Kent Smith[/box][box]I have had the privilege of working under Joseph’s direction and he is truly one of the hardest working men in the Church.  Whatever project he is working on, he tirelessly gives his all.  God has gifted him with the ability to do so many different skills, from construction to video production, that he is the behind-the-scenes key worker to so many amazing projects.  We are all blessed recipients of his devotion and work ethic! – Miley Barcus[/box][box]In the time I have worked with Joseph, he always makes evident his desire and goal to glorify God in every project.  He is incredibly humble in all he does, has a continual drive and focus to get the Truth out, and devotes each second he has to building up the Kingdom of God.  I am truly honored and humbled to be able to work with him and learn from his amazing example daily! – Kate Tran[/box][box]Joseph Langsdon accomplishes so much for God.  Everyone is honored to know him and work near him.  Joseph is always giving the credit back up to God and His Leadership!! – Jenni Mendl[/box]

[box]If you are looking for someone to get things done, Joseph would be the go-to guy.  I can’t count the number of times I doubted a project or task could be completed, and Joseph found a way.  Sometimes his ideas were unconventional and outside of the box, but it was completed nevertheless.  God has certainly given him a mind to “figure it out,” whatever that may be. – Patrick Stites[/box][box]All I can say is that when I met Joseph for the first time I had never in my life met a man so wholly devoted to serving.  He was an immediate role model for me and still is to this day.  I am very honored to get to work with Joseph on a weekly basis and I have never heard him complain or stress out, or be impatient about anything; he’s always been in control, happy and a delight to be around, all while he’s directing hundreds of volunteers at the same time.  Men like Joseph Langsdon are the “good fruit” that Jesus talks about and shows the world that this tree (the Church and message) is a good tree from God Almighty. – Michael Ormaza[/box][box]Joseph Langsdon is a man with more diverse gifts than anyone I know! He is always serving and can run/fix/make/lead/drive/design any situation or task at hand! – BB Barcus[/box]
We could go on-and-on…and anyone who knows Joseph would have nothing but glowing words of honor for how this man has laid down his life to work for the Kingdom of GOD.  Gwen wanted to make sure that everyone knows this…and that even though you don’t see Joseph in an “up-front” role very often, he nevertheless has his hands and efforts on WAY more than you know – BEHIND the scenes!  We praise GOD for the Langsdon family and this place wouldn’t be what it is without their devotion and hard work.  This is a very deserving honor, and Gwen personally wanted to recognize Joseph for being a wonderful example for Saints everywhere.  If you aren’t already PLUGGED IN to this place, please reach out and contact us.  STAY CONNECTED…and watch yourself CHANGE to become more Christ-like every day!  And by all means, let us all be SO devoted to furthering GOD’S Kingdom and purposes that we truly can say in our own lives that this commitment to Him is a “Consider it done” daily dedication!

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