Remnant Fellowship News

Job Training Fair: August 14th, 1:00pm

It has always been incredibly important to Gwen to make sure that the Saints receive EMPLOYMENT Assistance and Guidance whenever it is needed, and thus she established an “Employment Team” that has been in place for some time now…to address those specific Guidance Requests. That effort and leading from Gwen has been blessed highly, and we look forward to continuing it for years to come!


With all of this said, we plan to hold am “Employment Seminar”…a “Job Training Fair” NEXT weekend…specifically, Sunday afternoon, August 14th, beginning at 1:00pm at the Church Building. This will be a great opportunity to receive coaching, training, and an overview of the most important “How To” points as it relates to preparing for the Employment SEARCH process…and the Employment TRANSITION process. This fun and educational session is for ANY Saints who are of legal working age – from Teens through Adults.

Key Areas

During our time together, we will focus on several KEY AREAS that are good for EVERYONE to be proficient in…regardless of the TYPE of Employment you are seeking:

Resume Building – In addition to great coaching, we will have some “sample” resumes available to review and discuss…to illustrate how to make YOUR Resume look its best.
Interview Skills – You will have an opportunity to receive great examples of what TO do and what NOT to do in the Employment Interview process. This includes tips on how to discuss salary offers in the most humble, grateful, and appropriate ways possible.
The Job Search Process – What are some of the best places/websites/listings to look for when seeking Employment? How do I search based upon the “field” of work I am interested in? We will have some TIPS available for you to utilize.
LinkedIn – how to maintain a professional online profile, connecting with people in industries/companies you are interested in, and expanding your Job Search options – Just as resources like “Facebook” and “Instagram” provide good opportunities for people to have an online representation of what is important to them, “LinkedIn” provides people with the chance to network with other working people. Your professional “Profile” can be a great asset to have throughout your working life. 90 PERCENT of all Employment “Recruiters” use LinkedIn to find their next candidates for job opportunities. We will provide examples to illustrate how to SET UP and MAINTAIN this resource properly.

For all who attend, we will meet TOGETHER for a brief opening segment at 1:00pm, starting in the Fellowship Hall, and then we will rotate everyone to various “Stations” covering the topics listed above…making sure that everyone who would like to gather information in ALL of the areas listed will have the opportunity to do so.

NOTE – If you are attending the Seminar and you currently HAVE some form of a Resume, please feel free to bring it with you.

Finally, as Gwen has always said and has led by example, we should approach EVERY Employment opportunity we have in this lifetime with the humility of Jesus Christ…working under our authorities…as unto the Lord. This Church is FULL of Saints who are doing that…praise GOD!

Embracing Humility & Refinement

Gwen ALSO has shared with all of us on many occasions the principle of looking for GOD’S lead and TIMING on everything. Sometimes GOD has us work in positions that humble us and perhaps help stretch us out of our “comfort zone” as He refines us. Then, as we embrace these opportunities with joy and gratitude, He lifts us up in His perfect timing!

We pray that this Seminar, along with all of the ongoing Guidance and follow-up thereafter, will be a blessing to every Saint who would like assistance.

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