Remnant Fellowship News

Remnant Fellowship Church: Molding Tomorrow’s Engineers

Introduction to Engineering

A revolutionary lead from Gwen Shamblin, founder of Remnant Fellowship, to its members has always been to find the gifts of our children at an early age. When found at an early age we have been encouraged  to nurture those gifts. There is an old adage that says if you make money doing what you love, it’s not really a job!  Gwen, being led by God, understood that all children each have their own talents and gifts. Furthermore, their gift or talent is probably where God would lead them to work so that they can thrive in life and for God. With all of this in mind, an Introduction to Engineering class has begun!  The purpose of this class is to expose our children to different engineering fields and topics.  The math and science within the specific field is explained, followed by a fun activity to reinforce what  has been discussed. The activity is really the highlight of the class!


Remnant Member and Nissan Engineer Tim Purdy, mentoring Civil Engineering

Civil Engineer Class Participants

The first class was last Sunday, July 9th. Nearly 60 children between the ages of 8-14 were part of the class along with several older teens who assisted the men and women who came to share their wisdom as engineers. Several parents were there as well to encourage their children in what they love. Tim Purdy, an engineer for Nissan North America, started the series of classes this past weekend with a fun exercise in Civil Engineering. As an engineer himself with a passion for what he does he was able to transfer that love to the children. Last Sunday he led the children in an experiment where the children built straw bridges to see how much weight these bridges can hold. Working in groups, the winning team was the one whose bridge could hold the most pennies. The competition was tough as these children are all so bright and innovative! In the end we are told everyone won for their Godly behaviour and team work and successful bridges!

Students Wesley Stites and Aiden Martin

Students with their engineering project

 Upcoming Workshops Led by Nashville’s Leaders

Remnant Fellowship Church is incredibly blessed with some of the most gifted engineering minds in the Nashville community.  Throughout the remainder of this summer the children will continue to be exposed to chemical, electrical, mechatoronic engineering and more by these brilliant volunteers! Some of the upcoming “Intro to Engineering” workshops will be facilitated by these professionals:


Ryan Sisemore, is a Civil Engineer specializing in airport design.  He is a partner at Garver and currently serves as Vice President and Director of the East Region Aviation Practice.  Ryan and his wife, Kristin have two children, Elam and Evie. They have been members of Remnant Fellowship Church since 2002.






Tom Quinn, Facilities Electrical Engineer at GM is a longtime member of Remnant Fellowship Church.  He and his wife, Jennifer, have four children—John, Tristan, Carol and David.





Ed Duda, a Chemical Engineer at Des-Case Corporation, studied Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technology University.  He and his wife, Stephanie, joined Remnant Fellowship Church in 2014.





Sarah Gunger, A graduate of MTSU in Mechatronics and Aviation. At 23 years old, she has been a member of Remnant Fellowship for 14 years. She is currently employed at Automation Nth as a controls design engineer.




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