Remnant Fellowship News

The “God-Fearing Family” Book Club reaches Amazing Heights!

The God-Fearing Families book, written by New York Times best selling author, Gwen Shamblin has been out for less than 6 months and it has not only changed the lives of the people reading it, the excitement surrounding this publication has spawned a very exciting book club. The “Sundays at 7” book club has been going on for weeks and it is thrilling to see that each week the audience gets larger and larger! As of last week we are at over 1,000 people that have been reached with these Livestream readings. That is over 1,000 people whose lives can be changed forever by the hearing of these words. In order to make having this book easier for everyone so that they can follow along with these talented readers, the “God-Fearing Families” book is available on the WeighDown website, as well as available for download from Amazon!

Preparing Your Family for the Week

Families around the world are gathering together to read along with the Livestream —hearing beautiful, life-changing words that are helping every member of the home understand what it means to be Godly in every circumstance. What a beautiful way for all of us to close the weekend and prepare for a new week! Everyone comes away with a renewed sense of how to find and please God in everyday situations. Chapter titles such as “Godly Etiquette and Compassion”, “Kindness” and “Godly Competition, The Perfect Athlete” are just a few of the subjects that are penned for us and that everyone wants to improve in.

Join Us!

If somehow you have missed these live reads, don’t fret! You can still go back and watch them. When you go to our Livestream page you will see the beautiful photo of Gwen Shamblin sitting and writing for each one that was done. They are all marked and are in order, the most recent towards the top of the page and the earliest ones at the bottom. Please make sure you set the time and place on your calendar each week and read along with everyone in order to be part of this very exciting weekly gathering. Its a great way to end the week and get your hearts focused on how to be more Godly for the upcoming week. You can catch last week’s amazing read with the David Martin family right here!

Watch Sunday, November 5th at 7:00pm CST

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