Remnant Fellowship News

History in the Making – Gwen Shamblin’s August 11th Message to the Remnant Fellowship – “God’s Grace with Wonderful Conditions”

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.  It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…” – Titus 2:11-12

You likely will remember a few times in your life like this…a time, place, and event…when something happens, you see something, you hear something, you read something, or something happens to you…and you mark down the date and time and where you were.  You will NEVER forget what you were doing and how that event impacted you.  This past Sabbath Day (Saturday, August 11th – 2012) marked one of those occasions for those who attended the Remnant Fellowship’s morning Assembly.  Whether you joined us in the Brentwood, Tennessee Sanctuary or via webcast from somewhere else in the world, you saw and heard a message – “God’s Grace with Wonderful Conditions” – that was profound, revelational, and CLEAR.  In a world where there is so much confusion spoken about who God and Jesus Christ are, how one can find salvation, what “grace” truly means, and how to read and understand the Scriptures in CONTEXT, Gwen Shamblin painted a picture explaining those answers that was as straightforward, uncomplicated, and irrefutable as any of us have ever heard.  And what accompanied those teachings was a mountain of Scripture…from both the Old and New Testaments…that undoubtedly backed up what was a glorious presentation of TRUTH!  How did this message impact the Saints who heard it?  These comments speak for themselves…

If you missed the Assembly and/or message, we are working on providing a copy of this landmark lesson in some format…coming soon.
 If eternal life is EVERYTHING…if it is our reason for LIVING…then isn’t it of the utmost importance to do EVERYTHING we can to fully understand HOW we are saved…and HOW this opportunity afforded by God teaches us to say NO to ungodliness and worldly passions?  For those who are reading this and who are not members of this Church, you obviously are SEEKING and you want to find out more about a teaching and a group of people who have changed inside and outside.  It is messages like THIS one that have put the joy and hope in our hearts…and the tools to teach our children…how to find God and have a wholehearted, loving, totally obedient relationship with Him.  Please, if you have the opportunity at all, make these Sabbath Assemblies “appointment attending or viewing.”  You will be given Truth, you will be encouraged and convicted, and you will praise God in song like never before!  Praise God for the ability He has granted us to understand what this grace really means!  And stay tuned for future announcements about when this message will be available again.

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