Remnant Fellowship News

Remnant Fellowship Fundamentals – Addiction is NOT a Disease, it’s a Choice – And You Can Overcome!

According to many in the scientific community, the most RECENT “definitions” of ADDICTION are morphing. Statements such as “Addicts have no control over their addictive behaviors”…and “Addicts cannot choose NOT to be addicted” are now commonplace ( – “A Radical New Definition of Addiction Creates a Big Storm” – August 18th 2011). But if you have been following the overwhelming success stories from Weigh Down Ministries participants and Remnant Fellowship members over the past 10 to 20 years, you would KNOW that these new “definitions,” as scientific as they may sound, are absolutely NOT true. The Spirit of GOD is more powerful than any substance, behavior, attitude, or activity, and since mankind has been created in GOD’S image, this means that we absolutely have the CHOICE to FOLLOW His Spirit and to say “NO” to any and all unhealthy and immoral actions and attitudes. Praise GOD!

Armed with this Truth and an ever-growing list of testimonies to back it up, Gwen Shamblin has been conducting a series on “Addictions,” and our three most recent episodes…episodes 7, 8, and 9 of Season 2 of the “You Can Overcome” show…( – LIVE each Wednesday at 11:00am Central Time, with Replays of past episodes available NOW) were beautiful examples of the power of GOD changing lives and guiding regular people…just like you…into OVERCOMING those addictions. Gwen spent time in conversation during these episodes with Deah Hayden, Durville Patton, Vicki Johnston, Candace Anger, and Tedd Anger. Each of them shared a summary of past experiences with everything from tobacco to alcohol to drugs to overeating, along with other types of immorality and destructive behaviors. In EVERY case, when each of these dear Saints made the CHOICE to seek a relationship with GOD…wholeheartedly…and to surround themselves with other people who were making those same Godly choices…the results were these: NO MORE ADDICTIONS! Period…end of story…gone forever…free to live a normal life…no “once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic” beliefs, no dependence on a 12-step program. They are DONE with their addictions!

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Have YOU been told that you have a “disease” because you are overeating, overdrinking, overspending…or because you are involved in sexual immorality, are heavily into gambling, drug abuse, or some other destructive behavior? The TRUTH is that you haven’t totally committed yourself to THE SOURCE of all comfort and THE KEY to overcoming your addictive choices. Choosing (there’s that word again…choosing…choice…) a relationship with GOD is the answer. Gwen Shamblin has spoken VOLUMES about these subjects over the years, and these “You Can Overcome” episodes will add yet another chapter to the library of life-changing teachings that have helped people all over the world, for more than a quarter of a century now, permanently overcome any and all addictive behaviors that you can possibly imagine. Yes, there is HOPE! In FACT, listed below is an even longer display of GOD-led messages given by Gwen that address addictions and strongholds. NOTE – ALL of these can be found on TRUTHSTREAM, our online monthly subscription service that is changing lives by the DAY…giving you access to hours upon hours upon hours of powerful messages, testimonies, and music. Check out this list:

And that is just a start! This Ministry and Church is dedicated to promoting the truth that says a relationship with GOD is BETTER than any substance, feeling, activity, or possession on this Earth. And the lives of those who are putting that truth into practice bear out the successful results! JOIN IN with a crowd who is OVERCOMING…living FREE from the “pull of the world.” Visit us this coming Sabbath Day (Saturday, November 3rd) at 9:00am Central Time and next Wednesday (November 7th) at 6:00pm Central Time. Words cannot adequately describe the fulfillment, joy, and happiness that come with a life in GOD…in Christ…and with other Saints who are living the same way. It beats ANYTHING that a substance or some other feeling provides. As Gwen says each week, “You TOO Can Overcome!”

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