Remnant Fellowship News

Thanking GOD for our March 2014 Staff Member of the Month – Amy Stites!

We all have learned here – through what Gwen has taught for years through Weigh Down Ministries and the Remnant Fellowship Church – that it should be our goal every day to “work as unto the Lord.”  Our boss and company’s overall needs and goals should take priority over our own comfort or personal desires.  We should be the kind of employees who are SO valuable, so humble, so respectful and respected, so “under the authorities” who have been placed over us, and so gracious in every word and deed…that our bosses would CRY if we ever left our jobs.  This kind of attitude at work has to be in our HEARTS.  It has to come from the INSIDE.  If it’s not vitally important to you to lift up those who have been placed OVER you, then you’ve missed a HUGE part of what the true Christian life is about.  Gwen has set an amazingly high standard in this generation for all who encounter this Ministry and Church.  If you’ve spent even five minutes observing Gwen at all, you will see that serving GOD and putting others before herself is her every-minute-of-every-day practice.  It is in her heart, words, and actions.  That is why GOD has lifted her and her voice up for the world to see and hear.  She is DOING the will of GOD…not just talking about it.  And thankfully, because of that example, this Church is full of people who DO have this in their hearts and ARE putting this into practice!  Therefore, lots of employers are getting incredible efforts and attitudes from our members.  And ultimately, that glorifies GOD!  That’s how Jesus lived every minute of his life, and we GET to follow in those footsteps.  With all of this in mind, we are honored to present to you an IDEAL example of this type of “under authority” attitude.  Our March 2014 Staff Member of the month is…AMY STITES!

Amy has devoted herself to following and walking in Gwen’s example and footsteps each and every day.  She and her husband Patrick, along with their children Wesley and Caroline, are an ideal example of a family who gives EVERYTHING at all times to further this Truth.  They have embraced this message from their earliest days of hearing it.  They have run with it and have never looked back!  From Staff commitments with Amy to Church activities for the whole family to time and resources and gifts, this family is “ALL IN” for this Ministry and Church.  For more than 17 years, Amy has been a part of this Staff and has served in countless roles over that time.  Attentive to detail, highly organized, committed to seeing EVERY important task completed in the most efficient way possible, Amy truly is an employee who is “valuable” in every sense of the word.  Gwen trusts Amy completely – spiritually, personally, and professionally.  Amy also is able to communicate Gwen’s leading and/or wishes in meetings and instances when Gwen is not able to be present.  This also takes an enormous amount of trust, as well as a clear understanding of the HEART of what needs to be shared at any given time.  You see, it isn’t just “words” that are important, but rather it is the INTENT and SPIRIT of those words that matters more than anything.  Amy excels at this, and that is one reason why she is a right-hand assistant and is in charge of many projects and Production-related assignments.  In fact, listing out ALL of Amy’s areas of gifting and influence and responsibility would be an article by itself!  But listed below is a partial detailing of how GOD is using Amy’s gifts in this Ministry and Church…just so you get an idea of how committed she is to putting GOD’S Kingdom work first…

As you can see, that list sets a great example for all of us…and believe it or not, this is just a PARTIAL LIST!  What can each of us do with our own time to serve the Kingdom more?  Amy would be the first person to tell you that GOD gives her every minute BACK and that every task is unbelievably rewarding.  She also would tell you that she is simply following in Gwen’s footsteps of “making Jerusalem your highest joy”…and look at how joyful and peaceful and happy and fulfilled and blessed Gwen is!  That example raises the bar and we all are thankful for it.  But don’t just take our word for it – let’s see what some of Amy’s closest co-workers have to say about her and her commitment to this Ministry and Church…








It is an honor to give praise to GOD for Saints who “set the bar high” for others!  Gwen always has made a point to recognize those who demonstrate these GODLY qualities.  After all, our lives belong to GOD.  He made us and deserves our wholehearted love, devotion, and commitment…and when we thank Him for the gifts He has given to His people, it gives HIM all of the praise!  Congratulations to Amy, Patrick, Wesley, and Caroline, and we look forward to more getting done, more of this message getting out, and for others to follow in these footsteps as a result of Gwen’s diligent and determined drive to make the real, genuine ONE TRUE GOD and His son Jesus Christ known all around the world!


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