In this stormy, transitional weather season, we as Remnant Fellowship members are reminded of the many, many things that we have learned here. Our founder, Gwen Shamblin, has always taught and emphasized a huge, healthy RESPECT for GOD’S power, His creation, and His weather. Since all of creation belongs to Him and since He is the creator of all “weather,” we all are reminded to PRAY for even more humility, clarity, and readiness as storms like “Hurricane Isaac” press down upon the Gulf region. May everyone who will be impacted by this in any way seek GOD with whole hearts and look for His leading…in total love and obedience to Him…to guide us through the storm. And part of being READY during the stormy times on this Earth involves being WISE with our finances and other resources. CNN published an online article this morning that explained the quick impact of Hurricane Isaac…already resulting in a 5 cent gasoline price increase in just the last few hours. See that article here – http://money.cnn.com/2012/08/29/news/economy/isaac-gas-prices/index.html?
Look at this timely Post by Gwen…regarding living on the ROCK of Jesus Christ. This and many more insightful Posts can also be found at this link to our Weigh Down Chronicles website.
The Rock Is All That Matters – by Gwen Shamblin
“When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.”
Matthew 7:28-29
[quote]We’ve studied a foundational teaching of Jesus from Matthew 7:24-27. All that matters is the ROCK – the foundation – the heart. The man is saved who has built his house upon the Rock. We would be very wise to stop spinning our wheels and look under the hood, stop building for a minute and check our foundation, stop being so busy and take time to check our HEART. Look at the motives of your heart. Why do you do the things you are doing? What do you do with your time, your energy, your passion, your money? Devote it all to God’s Kingdom and His House and follow Jesus every minute! You can do this!! You were MADE to love God and God alone. Let go of our own kingdom and build for God. The storms are inevitable, and you will have a day when bad news is brought to your door. You must look inward – if you have built on the Rock of Jesus Christ and His love for God (not self), then you will survive the life-storm, the rains, the thunder, the lightning, the flood. After the storm, your house will be standing. Work for what will last and for true treasures in heaven![/quote]
Gwen explains it very clearly – Being SPIRITUALLY ready is the most important investment that any of us can make! During these “stormy” times, both physically and spiritually, may we HEED those warnings. AND – as we praise Him through the storms, sing songs of PRAISE! He is in control and is worthy of our full worship and adoration. The latest praise anthem from MICHAEL SHAMBLIN (check out Michael’s YouTube Channel for LOTS MORE music videos) is “Golden Streets.” Watch and listen to that…and see if your hands, heart, eyes, and mind don’t go STRAIGHT UP to the Father!
Praise God for sending these beautiful words and music from His heart to prepare, lead, strengthen & fill the hearts of His children wirh hope & joy! We CAN rejoice in the Lord always!!
Praise God. Were there is wisdom there is life. Thank you Gwen for Godly Wisdom.