Remnant Fellowship News

Welcoming our New Remnant Fellowship Members – GOD is Growing this Church Body

“All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. – Acts 2:44-47”

Here in the Remnant Fellowship, there are many JOYS that come with fully applying this message of conviction, change, and overcoming worldly addictions and strongholds.  Personally speaking, you cannot BELIEVE that GOD has given you a second chance at life.  You are completely overwhelmed…even to the point of tears…that you can lay down your sin and follow His Spirit’s leading.  You live this out 100 percent, and those closest to you begin to notice you CHANGING.  Your countenance turns from sadness, worry, depression, anger, boredom, and who knows what else…OVER to joy, peace, happiness, patience, and ALL of the rest of the fruits of the Spirit.  You literally feel “reborn.”  And you ARE reborn!  And when you gather together and worship or fellowship with other Saints in this Church, you really feel like this is a taste of “Heaven on Earth.”  You read the book of Acts…and especially as you reach the passage listed above…and it is REAL!  Praise GOD!

GOD is adding to our number daily…and more specifically, GOD has added 129 Saints to the Church in the year 2012 thus far!  This timeless, priceless message that GOD is pouring out through Gwen Shamblin is giving ALL of us the tools to walk in the Spirit daily.  For Remnant members who have been a part of this Church for a while, it gives us inexpressible JOY to say WELCOME to the new families and individuals who have joined us recently!  Talking with these new members takes us back to our own eye-opening, heart-opening, life-changing transformations as GOD brought us to this amazing Church of positive change.  And the happiness and peace in the lives of these Saints is evident as you hear from them.  Here are a few words from some of them…

[box]“We want to praise God for this message!  We feel like we have hit the lottery!  We have such hope for every area of our life!  We are the most blessed people on this Earth!!!! Glory to His name!” – Scott and Maggie Strong – Martinsville, Indiana[/box]

[box]“First off, what an honor and blessing to be a member of Remnant Church.  God has blessed me so much since becoming a member.  The #1 blessing is my close relationship with Him!!!  No doubt about it, I could not have achieved THE CONNECTION to Him and Jesus without Remnant Church!  All my love to Gwen and our Remnant Leadership who are leading us to the Truth.” – Cathy Ackermann – Collierville, Tennessee[/box]

[box]“I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of a Church whose members are seeking God and His Will above all else!  It is such a delight to be so unified in purpose!  I am so happy to have found a place where I am challenged, encouraged, and convicted to go further every day in my pursuit of a connection with the One True God!” – Shannon Locklear – Atlanta, Georgia[/box]

If we tallied up quotes from ALL of the Saints who have been added to this Church in 2012, this article would be several pages long.  The members of this Church have lost more than just excess weight.  They have ended every known sin/addiction/stronghold you could possibly think of.  THAT is a powerful testimony to the truth of this message…and it is an open invitation for anyone out there who is SEEKING GOD wholeheartedly to JOIN us!  Please keep praying that this GOOD NEWS keeps spreading around the world.  Check our CALENDAR at for the latest events in the Remnant Fellowship, and we look forward to sharing our Assemblies and Webcasts with the world every week!

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