
March 7, 2013

“How to be Truly Happy” – A “You Can Overcome” Show Remnant Fellowship Classic

If you missed Remnant Fellowship TV's "You Can Overcome" last night, you missed out on one of the most joyful, beautiful, instructional, and life-changing shows we’ve ever had! Gwen led co-host Tedd Anger…along with guests Frank D’Amato and Jonathan Walters…on a journey. They remembered past pursuits in life and how empty they were. And they shared the limitless JOY and HAPPINESS and PEACE that each of them has now…INSIDE of GOD’S boundaries and His wishes and His guidance.
January 11, 2013

Remnant Fellowship’s History of the ONE TRUE GOD – Wisdom from the Heavens

In short, "History of the One True God" is a six-week in-depth study of the great love shown by God for all created beings and the appreciation due Him in return. This truly is a moving study that will strengthen your relationship with God more than ever before.
November 13, 2012

Welcoming our New Remnant Fellowship Members – GOD is Growing this Church Body

GOD is adding to our number daily…and more specifically, GOD has added 129 Saints to the Church in the year 2012 thus far! This timeless, priceless message that GOD is pouring out through Gwen Shamblin is giving ALL of us the tools to walk in the Spirit daily.