“At this busy season, never forget where ALL blessings come from! God is SO good to us, and His Son Jesus is our Shining Star. Do not let this day go by without praying over your priorities:
- God FIRST! Stop and listen for His lead and His correction. Keep your focus and watch your boundaries! This relationship is such a beautiful gift.
- God’s house next. What is God leading you to do for His Kingdom and His people? Remember that your words and actions should glorify Him! Keep your worship time a priority and prepare for it so you are not rushed.
- Your authorities come next – spiritual shepherds, husband, boss, parents, teacher, etc. Seek out what they truly want from you, and honor and serve them as if serving Christ!
- Your family and your household. Take care of your children and raise them up in love and sweetness. Make sure the needs of your house are met.
- Finally – take care of your OWN wants and needs last. God will hear your prayers and provide everything you need. You will be amazed!”
Those are words from Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin – from the www.weighdownchronicles.com website – “Keeping Your Priorities Straight”

Jenni Mendl
Every true follower of GOD should have that list printed…on their hearts, minds, and even on a piece of paper or on your mobile devices if that helps you! What an AWESOME way to start each day! And speaking of keeping priorities straight…there is a wonderful team of volunteers who give part of each week in service to this Church and Ministry. The types of volunteer work and the names of those Saints are too numerous to mention in just one article, and to ALL of those dear Saints who give their time to the Lord’s work here, Gwen and this entire Staff says, “THANK YOU!”

Greg MacPherson
May GOD bless your efforts and give you back the time that you give to His Kingdom work! For today, we wanted to highlight one of those volunteer teams and the individuals who work hard to help this place function at an optimum level…our SHIPPING and DUPLICATION Team.You’ve probably handled more CDs and DVDs in the last few years than you could possibly count.
While the popularity of portable, digital media (listening and watching on mobile phones and tablets and other portable devices) is at an all-time high, both CDs and DVDs have maintained a level of familiarity with consumers and still sell even to this day.

Carmen D'Amato
For OUR Church and Ministry, the machines we use and the organization needed to print, duplicate, and coordinate our CD and DVD distribution requires a dedicated Team, and that’s what we have here. Assisting our Distribution and Shipping Coordinator, JENNI MENDL, are Kim Buchi, Greg Macpherson, Ken Duncan, Helen Smith, and Carmen D’Amato. These devoted Saints spend time here each week making sure that our CD and DVD orders are fulfilled…and that the precious TRUTH contained on those discs is copied correctly. They also assist with many of our distribution functions and are a great asset to the Staff here in Nashville.

Ken Duncan
- Kim and the Buchi family are from here in Nashville and they have been a part of this Church since 2006.
- Greg and his family relocated to Nashville from Washington state and their family has been a part of this Church since 2003.
- Ken and Charlotte Duncan relocated to Nashville from Illinois and their family has been a part of this Church since 2002.
- Helen Smith spent many years in Michigan before moving to Colorado…and then eventually to Nashville. She has been a part of this Church since 2007.
- Carmen and Frank D’Amato spent many years in New York before moving to Florida…and then eventually to Nashville. They have been a part of this Church since 2002.

Kim Buchi
Regardless of where these Saints lived when GOD called them to this message, Church, and Ministry, know that every one of them serves the Lord with JOY on their faces and in their hearts! Each of them is a delight to be around and the fruit of their efforts blesses every one of us who uses our CDs and/or DVDs. SO MUCH goes into getting this Truth out, and we praise GOD for the opportunity to take time, look around and see and appreciate the work going on all around us, and recognize those who are selflessly giving time and energy to the work of GOD’S Kingdom!

Helen Smith
This Church and Ministry are filled with generous, evangelistic hearts, and we look forward to many more days, weeks, months, and years…as the Lord allows…of spreading this Good News!