There are actually people in this world who do not believe that your life can CHANGE in one day…at one EVENT…through just a couple of HOURS of time spent…as a result of just a little bit of traveling. Well…Those people obviously have not spent any time at a Weigh Down/Remnant TOUR Event! It’s difficult to put into just the right words how POWERFUL and IMPACTFUL these Events really are. Just know this: Entire CHURCHES have started as a result of people attending ONE of these types of evangelistic Events over the years.
In South Bend, Indiana in November of 2001, TEN (yes, 10) Church locations were “founded” after Gwen spoke for just a few hours on November 10th. It’s happened in Phoenix, Arizona…Chicago, Illinois…both Dallas and Houston, Texas…Oklahoma City, Oklahoma…Indianapolis, Indiana…Milwaukee, Wisconsin…and SO many more locations – too many to mention in one article. Why is this important? What’s the “big picture” perspective in all of this? What’s the big deal about “a few hours during one day of your life?” Think about it this way… When Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, etc. walked into a city and started chatting around a group of people, do you think that the people realized in those moments that what they were about to hear would become BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE…like the words of ISAIAH or JEREMIAH or EZEKIEL…for generations of people to read until the end of time??? Since GOD has CLEARLY lifted up and anointed the words and teachings of Gwen Shamblin and is pouring out His Spirit through those words and at these Events, we would humbly suggest that some incredibly POWERFUL things happen at these Events! The entire course/direction/path of full FAMILIES have been “right-sided” as a result of investing time into these words and putting them into practice. SO… How do capture that? Again, it’s hard to do with just “words,” but we’ve gathered a few TESTIMONIES that will give you at least a GLIMPSE into what GOD is doing “ON TOUR!” Keep reading…
Dan Jackson: I loved the whole trip and seeing everyone in their neck of the woods, but what really hit me is when Gwen mentioned that “Joy and being born again does not come from being in a group.” Traveling all my life with all walks of life I’ve witnessed everything from kids sports, scouts, golf, motorcycle, car clubs to fishing tournaments, and it is not found there. At first it may be exciting but the reality is it fosters praise of man and self focus…
I love the Scriptures she laid out:
- II Timothy 3:1-5 | NIV84
- John 14:23 | NIV84
- Galatians 6:7-10 | NIV84
- I John 5:1-5a | NIV84
The last one says “His ways are not burdensome.” This is huge as many feel they are giving up so much when we obey God’s commands and follow this message. But in reality we gain! I have gained so much!!! Where would I be? Where would my children be? To have the fruits of the Spirit or the Holy Spirit working through us. If we obey, the seed of the Holy Spirit bursts from within us and produces good fruit!!
Jessica Walters: The WeighDown Tour will be one of our family’s top memories! God totally blessed and stretched the time allowing so much in the three-city, five-day tour! We had the chance to hear powerful messages from God through Gwen that convicted every one from young to old in pursuing the path of Jesus Christ more!!! We had the opportunity to see God’s creation/landscape on the road trips and marvel at His genius at the science museum in Chicago! We had time to slow down with our immediate family and then time to fellowship with hundreds of like-minded believers! We look forward to more Tours in the future, God-willing!
Sarah Spoon: Being able to go on the WeighDown tour was a life changing experience! It was so sweet to be able to meet new people and hear their story to coming to Weigh Down. It was so encouraging! Each talk Mrs. Gwen gave at all of the venues was one of those talks you will never forget because it was so powerful! Mr. Joseph Langsdon allowed me to help with his setup and takedown team and that was just the most FUN thing ever! But the biggest thing with setting up and taking down that stood out to me was that only God could allow so many things to be set up so perfectly. It was amazing to see! Everyone just peacefully and happily working together! I will never forget this blessing of an experience. I left each talk Mrs. Gwen gave with life-changing “how to” points that are forever going to help me connect to God.
M’Lee Law: I do not even know how to express how incredibly convicting and exciting the 2016 WeighDown Tour was for me!! There was so much wisdom, love, and ultimately hope in it all! I was especially encouraged by seeing all the returning WeighDown participants and members, and hearing their testimonies about them tasting the world and knowing after that, that this is the only place they want to be… This is the TRUTH! And to have such a purpose while out in the world is so freeing. I loved what Mrs. Gwen said, “If God is on his throne in our hearts, we feel full.” Amen! Being able to be in the world, but not of the world, while traveling is such an incredible blessing. And to add to it all getting to meet lots of new faces and friends, like Becky Taylor and even Amy Shakle (UK member) was the most fun! Praise God for such a blessed trip – I will never be the same. I am ready and charged to make sure that I am proving through my actions that only God reigns alone in my life!!!
Christian Olivas: The Tour was amazing, and I praise God I got to go on it! The fellowship was great! While meeting all the Saints from different cities, I got to share my testimony and connect with some new members. What stuck out to me was the love that you could feel coming from leadership and the Saints who traveled up from Nashville, especially all the Saints in the different cities and just making sure I’ve got that same love for God and everyone I’m around. A huge answered prayer was that my mom got to be there after God gave her the time off! Praise God!
Rebecca Gunger:
“We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.” Acts 5:32
I am so incredibly grateful and honored that I got a chance to witness God’s Spirit move through the recent WeighDown Tour from the big city lights of Chicago to the heart of the Midwest in Indiana. To get to go was such a huge answered prayer in and of itself – I prayed to get to go somehow, someway, and within five days, God worked out everything! He even worked it out to where I bought the very last ticket on a flight to Chicago that ended up only costing me $5, and I got to fly with a Saint! That was just the beginning of the weekend, and many more answered prayers and blessings would follow. The talks were so powerful and moving – the peace and love was so evident in Gwen as she spoke eloquently on finding God and making room in your heart for His Spirit and presence. I walked away with practical tips on overcoming any negative situation with good, pursuing beautiful, Christ-like characteristics, and loving God and others with all I have. Every visitor I met felt the same way, and we were all moved to go ALL IN, whether it was the first time at a Weigh Down event or the 100th. And it was SO FUN! God truly is the God of joy and good times, and both of those aspects were found in bountiful measure at every turn of this incredible tour. I’m praying I never forget all I heard and saw and experienced!