On July 15, 2018, an awe-inspiring wedding took place at the beautiful Mountview Estate in Brentwood,TN. Although the decorations, flowers, and setting was breathtaking, the true beauty was most definitely in the character of the couple when changes arose with their big day.

Tiffani Day with Hannah Collins, on her wedding day.
Hannah and Spencer have been a couple to emulate since they first met through their friends and leaders at Remnant Fellowship Church, Rob and Tiffani Day. Hannah described their relationship from the beginning, “Spencer and I were both employed at the same place but our paths had never crossed. The day we met was the first day that we both knew God had put us together and that we were meant to be. Our relationship grew very quickly as we put God first and looked for His lead. Spencer and I separately got very specific signs and answered prayers to confirm that this is what God wanted!”
When the couple found out that they could have their wedding outside the historic home of Mountview, they were overjoyed and very excited. The bride was particularly ecstatic as she had always wanted an outdoor wedding. When the morning of the wedding day came and they saw the possibility of rain, they decided that if the rain did not clear up, that they would bring the wedding inside.
Despite this change, the two did not waver in their joy, knowing that whatever happened, it would be God’s will. In the end, the rain did not clear enough to have the wedding outside, but after the ceremony God came back and blessed them for their consistent attitudes. Hannah described the day, saying, “The wedding day was MAGICAL!!! Totally peaceful and full of love and joy!!!”
God made his favor with the couple apparent when he presented this scripture to Remnant Fellowship Church founder Gwen Shamblin. Gwen read these beautiful words from Isaiah during the ceremony…
“You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the Lord, have created it.”-Isaiah 45:8
The guests described the couple as glowing. Some of Hannah’s dear friends shared how they were blown away by her beautiful response to having the wedding inside, and praising God instead of letting the change ruin the day.
The wedding party went on to describe how Hannah was still hopeful she would be able to get married outside, but even when the wedding was moved inside at the very last minute; Hannah’s attitude was the same as if she had gotten the desire of her heart. Many attendees describe this wedding as their favorite wedding of all, as all who were invited crammed into the estate’s foyer to catch a glimpse of Hannah and Spencer recite their vows. It was expressed by many in attendance that the ceremony was one of the most intimate, sweet, and beautiful they had ever witnessed. After the ceremony ended, the rain let up and Hannah and Spencer were able to cut the cake cutting under the gorgeous tree she wanted in the first place. It was an absolute honor to be a witness to her following God’s spirit and imitating the total love and obedience we are taught at Remnant Fellowship Church.
“Hannah is one of the most consistent people I have ever met. Even on her wedding day, a day that is normally ‘all about the Bride and her wants’, Hannah was selfless, gracious, full of peace and making sure everyone else’s needs were taken care of.”-Margaret Polivka, Bridesmaid
God truly does bless the righteous when they seek Him above all! Praise God for the blessed union of Hannah and Spencer Collins! We praise God for another beautiful wedding focused on God and His Kingdom!
To learn more about the couple, read what they shared about their wedding on RemnantFellowshipWeddings.com!