Remnant Fellowship Church has long observed the Biblical 40-day period known as the Days of Awe. This year, this long-awaited spiritual journey begins at twilight on September 1, 2024, and will continue through the Day of Atonement on October 12, 2024. As Gwen Lara has taught, this time is to commemorate Moses re-ascending the mountain as a second chance to get the life-giving Ten Commandments, which represent our Covenant with God. These Days of Awe include levels of true repentance that continue throughout the duration of the 40-day journey.
The first part of this journey of repentance and renewal lasts for 30 days and is a time of introspection, recognizing that we are in need of change. After 30 days of looking inward and examining their actions and the motives of their hearts, Remnant Fellowship members will observe the Day of Trumpets on October 5th. The Day of Trumpets marks the beginning of the final portion of the Days of Awe, in which our repentance and reverence before God grows even deeper. During this final week, the church will set aside special times for the lighting of candles as a symbolic action of commitment before God. This is an opportunity for prayer and dedication and creates a beautiful memory for your family and children. Church members who are not local to the church building often will light a candle in their own home for this purpose.
The 40-day spiritual journey concludes with the Day of Atonement, beginning at twilight on October 11, 2024. This most-reverent day is an opportunity to enter into a restored relationship with God, finding new peace with Him after 40 days of humble introspection and repentance. Many church members use this 24-hour period as a time of fasting from anything they feel has separated them from God. Biblically, the Day of Atonement is the day that Moses returned from the mountain with God’s answer, a new chance for His children through the Covenant of the Ten Commandments. During this 40-day heart journey, we learn to be humble with no expectations, growing very appreciative of God’s forgiveness, so there is great celebration on the final day of the Days of Awe!
During these Days of Awe, the personal cleansing of sin in the heart goes deeper every day until you can easily fast from anything that you may have loved before God, offering your heart completely to Him. With this type of personal introspection, looking inward, slowing down, and thinking about exactly what God wants, many people have testified that this 40-day journey is very special and important each year to maintain and strengthen their relationship with God,which is just what God intended for this annual journey. It is exciting to show God – and show yourself – that you can deny selfish desires and thankfully refocus your heart on God alone!
We welcome you to join us in this 40-day journey of purity for God! For more information on the Days of Awe and this walk of purity, read Leviticus 23:23-32 and check out the resource below…