Raccoon Mountain - Chattanooga, TennesseeA few of the young men from Nashville Remnant got together for camping and mountain biking last weekend to encourage and strengthen each other.  It was an uplifting time talking about the recent Feast Of Trumpets and about the latest message from Gwen.  She had charged the men of the church earlier that day with, “You’ve been locking your houses and your cars to keep them secure… But have you been locking your hearts and your family’s hearts to keep them spiritually safe and secure??”

They sat around a campfire and read the book of Joel that night and shared about answered prayers and the needs in the group. Brandon Hannah summed it up, “because this trip was focused on God and helping others, it was the most blessed ever!”.  He and the twelve other guys who went camped at Raccoon Mountain near Chattanooga, and mountain biked on the trails there.


1 Comment

  1. Woo Hoo! Loved the video! God is SO FUN!!! 🙂

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