TechTips / RingTones Now Available in WD Store

Here’s a couple of updates and tech-tips for the week.

1.) Did you know that now has a mobile site?  Here’s a quick way to add a shortcut on your mobile device so that you can go directly to this site.   If you’re on an iPhone simply navigate to the webpage, then click the Arrow button at the bottom of the page, then choose “Add to Homescreen”.  In the box provided type the name you want for this button and you’re done.  A shortcut (looks just like an app) will appear on your iphone screen.  Now all you have to do to get to the site quickly is click on that icon and you’ll be directed to our mobile news site.  (Shortcut icon should look like a green box with dove on it)Remnant News Tech Tips

On an Android device, you navigate to the webpage just like on an iphone and click the Bookmark icon (has a star on it) at the top right of the screen.  Then click the “Add bookmark” option at the top of the next screen and type the name you want to appear in the box provided.  After confirming ok, you should be on your bookmark page.  Hold down the “” button and it will open a new menu.  Click “Add Shortcut to Home” and you’re done.  This will add a quick link on the homescreen of your Android device.   (It should look like a dove on a green square, same as an iPhone)

Google+ Remnant Fellowship2.) Here’s another reminder:  Don’t forget to support Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries by going to all of our multiple pages and “Liking” them.   If you’re on Facebook and you want to support the Weigh Down page, for instance, click the “Like” (thumbs up), button on that page.  To support Gwen Shamblin’s personal Facebook page either send a friend request or click the “Subscribe” button at the top of the screen.  This will count the same as a “Like” and you’ll be able to stay up to date with her personal posts.  Easy to do but very helpful for the church.

If you’re a Google+ member and you want to support any of our websites, click the “+” button on the page you’re on.  It works the same as a Facebook “Like” button.The same can be said for this news site, as well.  For instance, in each article posted you have the ability to “Like” it, “Google +” it, or Retweet the article.  Retweeting will instantly take you to twitter and post a link that you can send out to your followers.  Very helpful for evangelism.  So if you see something you like here, don’t be shy about getting the word out.

If you’re on Twitter, you also have the ability to “Follow” Gwen Shamblin’s tweets, Elizabeth Hannah (daughter), RFChurch and much more.  If you haven’t been getting Gwen’s tweets, you’ve been missing out because they are very encouraging and convicting.  If you see a Tweet from someone you like, simply “Retweet” it and that will post it on your own Twitter page.

Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down, and Gwen Shamblin on YouTubeOne more thing… YouTube.  Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, and Gwen Shamblin all have YouTube channels.  To like a Youtube video or comment you have to have a Youtube account.  Then click on the thumbs up button underneath the video you’re watching.  In case you didn’t know, there’s a wealth of good information out there on these channels.

Here’s a List of our Youtube Channels and a link to each one:    Gwen  – GwenShamblin Channel /   Remnant Fellowship – RFChurch Channel / Weigh Down – WeighDownWorkshop Channel.   Note you can also support these videos by “Sharing” them with your friends and coworkers.  Click the “Share” button at the bottom of a video and it will give you the option to either post directly to Facebook, Google+ it, Tweet a link on Twitter, or Email a link to the video to someone you know.  Simple.

As of today Weigh Down Ministries is now selling Ringtones in the Store for .99 cents.  The options will grow as we add more so feel free to send in your requests.  An easy place to do that is on our Facebook pages or email the Weigh Down office.  Most of these ringtones are taken from Michael Shamblin’s music. Initially the ones we have offered right now are…   “Overcome” , “Living Sacrifice”, “Look To The Skies”, “Good To Be Good”, “Give Him Praise”, “Promised Land”, “The Path”, “NMC”, “Peace With God”, “Ready For A Change”, and “God To Me”.  This is a great way to stay encouraged and convicted during the day- even by something as simple as getting a phone call.  -MS

Here’s a link to the Weigh Down Store  RINGTONE page.



  1. THANK YOU for the Tech Tips!! PRAISING GOD for all of this access to His Truth and His encouragement!!

  2. Zionnana says:

    Awesome article on addictions. God truly is the answer.

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