Starting 2013 the Right Way in the Remnant Fellowship – An Eight-Week Journey of Resolve

“Let’s make this 8-week journey the most humble by being the most careful, fearful ever! Delight in the holy fear of God.” – Gwen Shamblin via Facebook…the Weigh Down Ministries Group Page

At the Remnant Fellowship Church last week (Wednesday, January 9th), Gwen Shamblin’s “You Can Overcome” show featured some incredible perspective, teaching, and testimonies about having the proper fear and reverence and love of GOD.  Kent Smith and Michelle McDonald joined Gwen and openly discussed their own personal relationships with GOD.  They also detailed how DELIGHTFUL it is to walk with GOD in holy fear…combined with overflowing love for Him.  Please…when you have some time…go to and watch the replay of the episode.  It will be time WELL SPENT!

Tying in with that theme as the calendar has turned over to 2013, Gwen is leading the Church and Weigh Down Ministries participants (all who would like to join in!) through a PERFECT way to start January – through an eight-week journey of RESOLVE to complete purity, holiness, and righteousness!  And by the way, it is NOT TOO LATE to join in on the journey.  Many are going through “Weigh Down Basics,” our introductory seminar class to this life-changing message.  Others who have been through the Basics are going through Gwen’s brand new seminar class, “History of the ONE TRUE GOD.”  Both offerings present limitless opportunities.  For instance, if you are new to this Ministry and/or Church, the BASICS offer you the chance at a “do-over.”  If you find yourself caught up in being overweight, in debt, depressed, and generally overwhelmed with life’s tests, the Basics will give you the FOUNDATIONAL tools to start over!  YES – You REALLY CAN (as Gwen has shared many times over the years) hit the “restart” button in your life and become a new person in every way – physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  You CAN change, and “Weigh Down Basics” will take you down that wonderful path!  Now – If you’ve taken our classes before and you are looking to go DEEPER and FURTHER in your relationship with GOD, and if you realize (as every Christian should) that there is WAY MORE to know about GOD…and the origins of good versus
evil…the battle for our souls between GOD and satan…and how GOD longs to draw man closer to Him if we only will love and obey Him wholeheartedly…then “History of the ONE TRUE GOD” is for you!  It is wonderfully PROFOUND, and you will read, watch, listen, and journal in AWE as Gwen takes you through a study of these things – AND – a study of our OWN HEART.  You will not regret one single minute of time given to this class.  And you will be so glad that you came along for this eight-week journey!  Take a look at some of the feedback that our participants have shared about the journey…

Gwen Shamblin and Remnant Fellowship present History of the One True God

  • “I’m in. Already received blessings for obedience and appreciation after last week’s (You Can Overcome) show !” – Cheri
  • “The fear of the Lord is changing my life and the lives of others today! Miracles are happening! Thank you God!” – Michelle
  • “Amen – So need this Charge and re-start to be Fearful and live like God and His Son walk on the narrow path.” – Carolyn
  • “The last week or so I’ve been wanting more fear if the Lord and my prayers are being answered in so many ways since this class started along with this new 8 week challenge!!!  I crave this constantly!!!” – Cherie
  • “What a great way to start out 2013!!!!” – Jill
  • “I am joining everyone on this special 8 week walk with God. Blessings are enormous already.” – Carmen
  • “Thank you, Gwen!!! I have your words posted … BE CAREFUL, FEARFUL and DELIGHT IN THE HOLY FEAR OF GOD … on my heart and in our home.” – Joey
  • “The show on Wednesday was amazing!!!! Thank you for this new challenge!!” – Heather
  • “Am extremely EXCITED ABOUT THIS CLASS AND 8 weeks coming up! Praising God!” – Carmen
  • “I’m so excited. I yearn for that fear and humility!!” – Jenny

Weigh Down Ministries and FacebookAnd the journey is just beginning!  DON’T MISS OUT on this opportunity.  There will only be ONE “January 2013”…EVER.  You don’t want to look back with regret on missed chances.  GOD is calling you.  He either is drawing you to Him and you are responding for the first time…really…in your entire life, or you are coming BACK to Him, or you are longing to go deeper with Him.  In short, WHATEVER your situation is, NOW is the PERFECT time to join us on this eight-week journey.  And the irony is that when the eight weeks are finished, you will want to keep going!  Testimony after testimony has shared the same sentiment – growing closer to GOD is a never-ending fountain, and it fills you up and satisfies you like NOTHING else that exists in the world.  Make these eight weeks full of NO regrets. Call us at 1-800-844-5208 and visit us at and  Start today!


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