Weigh Down Advanced – Exciting YOUTH Class and Facebook Chat Time

Youth Facebook ClassOur Remnant Fellowship Youth are moving in the OPPOSITE direction of the Youth of America.  In what way though?  SPIRITUALLY!  While, unfortunately, the Youth of this country (and increasingly so around the world as well) believe less and less in GOD and indulge more and more…and at younger ages…in detestable, destructive, life-altering behaviors and substances, the Youth at this Church continue to dig deeper in their relationships with GOD.  They are taking this life seriously.  They know that tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone…even the young.  And so how does this attitude and mindset drive them to live and act?  In PURITY and LOVE and in WHOLEHEARTED DEVOTION to GOD!  For all of the adults out there, think about what YOU were doing when you were in that 17 to 22 years old age range.  Okay, you can stop now.  The memories probably carry a lot of pain and regret with them.  But these young people are not wasting those years.  They are investing in the One True GOD and in His Church.  They are passionate and full of life, but their passion is directed towards walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.  Yes, they are fully invested in their schoolwork and part-time jobs and in putting their best foot forward with all of their responsibilities, but the driving force behind their motives and activities and efforts are to glorify GOD.  Praise GOD!

Weigh Down Youth Facebook ClassAs January of 2014 has kicked off, we at this Church and in this Weigh Down Ministry have lots of  CLASSES going on right now.  We are doing all we can…at all ages…to get out this GOOD NEWS message to the world, and Gwen Shamblin’s Weigh Down classes and materials carry this message in a concise, clear, perfect package.  These classes combine powerful video lessons with convicting audios…then add in written materials and online Chat opportunities…married with music that backs up the message in encouraging form, and the results and testimonies speak for themselves.  People are CHANGING for the better…PERMANENTLY!  Our Youth aren’t wasting any time.  They are going for it NOW…while they are young.  Take a look at just a few of the Comments taken from our Tuesday evening Weigh Down Ministries Youth Facebook Group Page…as they go through Weigh Down Advanced together.

  • We are so moved by the Spirit’s leading at the start of this new calendar year.  God has been pouring out life-changing truth through Gwen on how to give all of hearts and minds to God and to be resolved to go further this year.  This is not only raising the bar spiritually in our own lives, but also in the lives of our Remnant Fellowship Youth.  It has been amazing to witness personally the changed lives, true breakthroughs, the unity, and the desire to evangelize to those who are seeking a true relationship with God.  This Weigh Down Advanced class is only one of many examples of how the Youth are being moved to grow deeper in their connection with God and to share this connection with the world. – Jonathan and Jessica Walters – Class Coordinators
  • These two verses from WDA week 2 hit my heart as I have never seen them like they are written before!  I love it how selfish desires and God’s will are conflicting each other so that we do not do what we want (Galatians 5:17).  So many times I want to do things “my way” but still want God’s blessings. Through this message we have learned to go to God with everything!  So many times I have been tempted to be disappointed because I did not get “my” answer from God or because it feels like I didn’t get any answer from God.  This is not because God is slow or didn’t hear you (if you are doing what is right, God is always with you) but rather He is patient with you so that everyone may be brought to repentance and no one brought to ruin (II Peter 3:9).  I praise God for this truth!  It is the only way to live!  Praying for your day to be blessed as you wait for God’s answer in everything you set your mind to!
    • Galatians 5:17 – For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, SO THAT you do not do what you want.
    • II Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting ANYONE to perish, but EVERYONE to come to repentance.


  • Weigh Down on FacebookLoved this statement in the WDA workbook: “[God] does want you to let the world and the evil forces of the dark realm know that you have acknowledged that He is God of all and that He is Lord of all.”  What an incredible purpose!  I’m praying to keep this in the forefront of my mind this semester.  I’m so grateful for this class, this Church, and this beautiful fellowship!!  My heart is overflowing.  Praying for everyone’s focus and strength as we fight to prove to the world that God is better than anything else on this earth. – Rebecca
  • One thing that really stuck out to me from the video was when Mrs. Gwen shared how our spirit is alive because of righteousness and without it we are dead.  That thought to me is so terrifying because most of the people in the world are physically alive but spiritually dead, and we could be one of them if we don’t live a righteous and obedient life! – Maryssa
  • I have to quickly share!!  I had a to-do list this evening and one item was to fix our printer.  (Which I thought was going to be a big project because I had already spent at least an hour on it this weekend with zero results.)  I was slightly tempted to try and control my time and get this list done but God led differently and all the sudden it was time for the WDA Youth Chat!  Even though I hadn’t even looked at the printer yet, I knew God was leading me to jump on, and of course, it was the best decision of my week so far!!!! **EVERYone should read that thread!! :)**  I consider it icing on the cake that when I did sit down to the printer – having NO clue what was wrong with it – lo and behold it was up and running in 5 minutes.  You truly cannot out-smart God and His perfect, efficient timing – I love it!!! – Laura
  • This message especially hits home to me because I used to think that I could “fill up” and find happiness in what the world has to offer (praise of man, sports, substances, lust, etc.) and no matter how much time I gave to these strongholds, it all ended up being a complete waste EVERY single time.  As Mrs. Shamblin so clearly has laid it out, these “things” of the world ROB You of your time, money, emotions, friends, the list goes on.  She has many times pointed us to I John 2:17, which says that everything in this world will pass away EXCEPT for the man who does the will of God.  I lost friends, relationships, opportunities, trust, and most importantly God’s approval.  Once I decided to truly (not going back to see if maybe I was missing out on “the fun”) lay all of these idols down, the blessings were and are absolutely incredible.  God gives back tenfold in every way.  NOW, God has restored my friendships, new and renewed relationships, and more friends I could ever want at this amazing Church “Remnant Fellowship.”  He has blessed me with amazing opportunities with school, complete trust from my parents and my friends’ parents (which I have learned to be under authority), and so many more blessings!  If you are struggling with anything, just know that it DOES become easy to fight off the temptations and pull from this world.  I Know 100% I would be ENSLAVED to my sin the rest of my life and would live in disparity IF it were not for this LIFE-SAVING TRUTH we get to hear on a daily basis!  YOU MUST MASTER SIN, and you CAN DO IT!  I never thought I would be this free! Free from the things that this world tells you are important, but in reality, are completely trivial.  PURITY ALWAYS FEELS BETTER.  I am ashamed I ever doubted this, but TEST IT AND YOU WILL SEE.  Praise God we are all here together to let the world know WE CAN fly above the world and its earthly offerings. – Connor

These are just a small handful of the MANY testimonies that we could have shared in this article.  We just picked a few…to give you an IDEA as to what is happening here.  As you can see, these young people are seeing their bigger purpose in life.  They aren’t wasting time.  They aren’t wrapped up in their own wants and desires.  They see the BIG PICTURE.  For all of us adults – OH if we could have had access to a message, Ministry, and Church like this when we were younger, we could have saved ourselves from lots of regret and way too many pointless pursuits and destructive behaviors and habits.  But we have TODAY!  And our CHILDREN can have this NOW.  When you read testimonies, praises, and answered prayers like these, it fills you with HOPE.  This is great news…not just for these young people but for the future of GOD’S CHURCH!  Please don’t deprive your children of the opportunity to connect with this group of young Saints who are running after a relationship with Him with all that they’ve got.  Don’t you want them to look back on their youth with FOND and RIGHTEOUS memories instead of the regrets that many of us adults have lived with?  Of course you do!  Connect with us…and call us at 1-800-844-5208 and/or visit us at www.weighdown.com and www.remnantfellowship.org to get you and your family started today!

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