For anyone who has been following the various Ministries of the Remnant Fellowship Church, you have seen, heard, and read about the amazing LIFE CHANGES that our PRISON Ministry is producing! What started several years ago with a leading from Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship founder Gwen Shamblin to change lives with this message of LOVE and HOPE has blossomed into something that is being recognized as such – LIFE-CHANGING! We are honored and humbled to announce that the
Remnant Fellowship Prison Ministry and the Exodus from Strongholds Program have just been recognized and awarded as the “Faith-Based Contributor of the Year” (for 2013) by the Georgia Department of Corrections. This is an amazing honor, and at the same time, it totally is rooted in the truth. More lives ARE changing as a result of this Ministry than through other methods and programs. And GOD gets all of the praise and glory! Gwen Shamblin, along with Greg MacPherson and the rest of the core Prison Ministry Team, is rejoicing at this great news…and we ALL pray that this is just another step in what will be even MORE GREAT NEWS for GOD…as this Ministry lives to promote HIM and His Truth and His Church going forward. We’ll have even more details and updates regarding this award, along with other awesome Prison Ministry updates, in the coming days and weeks. For now, we praise GOD that He is seeing fit to lift up this message and messenger, and we pray that the GOOD FRUIT from it continues to fill the nations! All praises to GOD and many thanks to Gwen for her leading in this Ministry!