“Welcome to DEDICATION 2014, the 10 year reunion of the building of this house of God, the dwelling place of the King of King and Lord of Lords. Since the beginning of time there has been a remnant in each generation—a band of survivors who surface to serve only God and His beautiful Son, Jesus Christ.” – Words from Remnant Fellowship Founder, Gwen Shamblin – The Sabbath Day, November 22nd, 2014
And thus began the incredible message delivered this past weekend in the Remnant Fellowship Sanctuary in Brentwood, Tennessee…as we celebrated and remembered in this tenth year since its opening. But even before this Sanctuary opened in November of 2004, the Church existed for more than five years prior to that. And we have endured and persevered through many tests over the years. It truly has been a spiritual battle to further this life-changing message of hope in a world full of hopelessness…and in a country where the majority of its “churches” don’t WANT a totally committed, wholehearted devotion, GOD is EVERYTHING type of message and focus. Nevertheless, Gwen’s words and the beautiful Saints here have withstood many attempts to undercut what we are doing here and what we stand for. This amazing place is the home of more than 30,000 pounds (closer to 40,000 now) of excess weight lost, scores of marriages on happy and solid ground after many would have ended up in divorce court without this message, children who truly love and respect and obey their parents, countless bottles of excess alcohol and unnecessary drugs…both legal and illegal…put DOWN for good, lust and pornography permanently gone from people’s lives, total financial turnarounds…from bankruptcies and joblessness to thriving employment statistics and financial stability for years to come. The list could, literally, go on and on. Now…WHY would ANYONE oppose something that is so beautiful? Satan is against anything that puts GOD in His rightful place, the throne of our hearts. And so he has worked over the years to try and paint this place out to be something it is not, but the FRUIT…as Gwen has been saying for years…is UNDENIABLE.
With this type of dedication and commitment comes a flood of memories of perseverance and answered prayers, friendships and bonds strengthened in the Lord over the years, levels of purity and joy and love and peace that are indescribable…but yes, it really exists and it is really happening here! All praise and glory to GOD! Let’s take a look at some of the words that a few of our original Church members – those who have been a part of this Church since its first two years – shared with us as they reflected upon their memories…
[box]I can’t imagine how quickly the last ten years have gone by. But more importantly, how peacefully. The dedication of the building ten years ago brought with it a sense of stability and eternity to this movement that started so small. While we all felt it was the truth because we could see the fruit, having this permanent reminder of God’s presence has been an amazing gift over this last decade. – Patrick Stites[/box][box]What a flood of memories Dedication weekend brings with it! We left a church of thousands to attend a Church of less than 30 – and have been forever changed for the better because of that decision. This is the only place where I have ever experienced such change, and there is nowhere else I would ever want to be. I am forever grateful to have experienced so much in such a short time period, and to have a chance to pass on to, now, the third generation of our family, the message of truth that is being taught at Remnant Fellowship. Through it all, the truth of love of God alone and the obedience God requires has rung out loud and clear. May we do all we can to keep the bells of truth ringing for all generations to come. The bond that the original members of this Church share is priceless. We may not see each other every day anymore, but there is an indescribable love for each other that I wouldn’t want to trade for anything. – Jan Ruble[/box][box]Rachel and I are so thankful for the changes that God has brought about in our lives as a direct result of seeking Him and seeking direction from godly, upright leaders. As a result of this decision, our lives took a different path than we could have ever imagined, one better than we could have possibly planned.  Now our marriage is strong, our hearts are devoted to God, our children are happy and under authority, and we are blessed with peace, hope, purpose, true friends, and most importantly a relationship with God. – Ryan McCauley[/box][box]Since first hearing this message, my wife, Tish, and I have lost over 100 pounds together, lost a thousand pounds of sin and idolatry, watched our marriage grow more beautiful every day, been blessed with triplets when we were told we’d probably never have children at all, and found an inexpressible joy for every moment God provides in which we can glorify Him.  Tish and I joined Remnant Fellowship in 2000 and watched our lives change for the better as we clung on to the Truth we were reading and hearing even as so many false accusations were thrown at the Church.  We desperately wanted to live in a way that was pleasing to God and had been seeking for a body of believers that wanted that same relationship.  We found it here.  We can never fully express our gratitude to Gwen Shamblin and Remnant Fellowship for this message of Truth that points us back to God and His Scriptures with every word and action.  We are truly humbled to be a part of this body of believers as we walk in the steps of Jesus Christ, declaring “not our will, but His be done.” – Marc Dunn[/box][box]This Dedication Remembrance was the most moving I have ever had the honor to be a part of. I am so humbled and grateful to God for the chance to even get to hear these words and put them into practice!! After the message this Sabbath, I am so moved to stand firmer and fight harder to make sure that I live out and pass down this example of total love for God above all that Gwen, her family, and Remnant Leaders have walked out!! Hearing this Truth and seeing it lived out fully by Gwen and her family HAS made all the difference! Life would have been full of greed for myself, complete self-absorption, and painful depression and loneliness. Instead, I am SO grateful that I get to have the most full, purposeful life centered on loving God Almighty and His Kingdom and then carefully upholding and passing down this Truth!!! – Anne Jost[/box][box]One of the most vivid memories that I can still physically feel about coming to Remnant was that I knew I left a stagnant life of legalism and hypocrisy and entered a deep, nonstop wave of introspection that led to repentance. Our family went from projection over to learning how to use introspection to find the will of God and get set free from sin. There was this new sensation of change… and it was easy to focus on this new sensation called conviction. I never knew the HOLY Power of God Almighty could and wanted to help me divide up my heart and help me to see where I did not measure up to Jesus Christ. I was also being introduced to an amazing love coming from God, Jesus Christ, and the Shamblin family. This was a movement where homes were opened, wisdom was shared, and love was given freely. I did not experience this in our previous denomination. This environment mixed with pure Gospel teaching finally bred a drive in us to not give up and settle for trying to get comfort from a false idol any more…but rather to keep uncovering any flaws in our family’s hearts – not just uncovering to gaze at them and accept them – but to eradicate them for God’s sake. – Jenni Mendl[/box]
Those are just a FEW words from a handful of esteemed Saints, but it is enough to paint a clear picture. We do not want to go back to a mundane, purposeless existence of treating GOD and His Church like it’s a “one hour on Wednesday and two hours on the weekend” type of experience. We want GOD and His Kingdom to be our number ONE priority 24 hours a day, seven days a week. THEN, GOD takes care of and meets every one of our needs. It is a beautiful concept, and Gwen has poured out her life to make that CLEAR to anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear. And we as members can testify that the RESULTS…are PRICELESS! And speaking of things that are priceless, let’s take a look at a few of Gwen’s words from this ten-year celebration message, the 2014 Dedication…
“God prophesied to Elijah early on that there would always be a remnant spared… God has spared a remnant in each generation no doubt as at the turn of the 21st century God led our own restoration movement.  God did pull together a remnant and led me to buy 40 acres and to build and  restore Christ’s church of the idol free ,whole hearted saints…. those whose life centers around the Kingdom of God—the Church founded by Jesus Christ who teaches us that salvation comes only thru love and devotion to God alone—expressed by our sacrificial life. There cannot be enough said about selflessness and purity and stamina under heavy testing of our hearts and motives – we are a holy priesthood purposed to serve in the temple of the Lord having first and foremost a pure heart – that is to be royal and regal full of humility and love.”
“We now have in the year 2014 an amazing 700 young people ages 21 years and under and hundreds of perfect and beautiful babies that have been born in Zion in last 15 years and many more blessings of great health and answered prayers.  Yet with all these blessings we dare not grow proud or confident—never once blessed, always blessed—dear generations to come… never repeat the history of those who forfeited the presence of God, who allowed members to come in with idols and legalistic or judgmental spirits. This is the Kingdom of purity and love. To have discernment comes with a constant seeking of the word of God and his spirit of truth througha obedience in all things. No neglect.”
“Dear Band of Survivors from the four corners of the Earth, though we seem small—more that are with us than against us and our growth is strength in the love of the Lord.  This was not just one more structure in America made for man’s religion. This was established for the purpose of God and for God alone—a sanctuary that does not tolerate a religion of divided hearts, multiple gods—a place where God is everything, God rules and resides because its people live to obey.  He does not dwell in a place where He is second place—He dwells where He is on His throne and number one, above all other interest or loves. For the sake of ourselves and the next generation we must also, like the Saints in Ezra’s day, make a binding, lasting agreement to dedicate the walls here and in our hearts tonight… As a remnant spared by grace, we will learn from history and not anger God with idols, and we will “Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” And “We will not neglect the house of our God.” This remnant on this night of dedication will commit in our hearts to be just that—dedicated to the wonderful I Am! AMEN!”
Amen indeed! Happy Dedication 2014 to all of the Remnant Saints around the world! And if you are just now finding out about this wonderful message – communicated worldwide through Weigh Down Ministries and the Remnant Fellowship Church – this is a GREAT time to make some changes in your life. GOD is a merciful GOD and He has been patient and long-suffering with every single one of us. Whatever it is that you need to “lay down,” regardless of how addicted or caught up you are in your destructive habits, behaviors, and activities, we guarantee you there IS a way out…and the message taught here can and will lead the way for you if you allow it to. And the people here are genuine. We are happy, peaceful, content, joyful, and full of love and life because GOD has given us a second chance to live for Him. And the blessings that are resulting from it…are COUNTLESS. It truly is FUN to be dedicated to GOD…and to Him alone!