Rhonna Rickman put together this awesome article about PERISCOPE! Check out her report…
We are so excited to share another fabulous “social media” find that is encouraging and connecting Remnant Fellowship members all over the world!
PERISCOPE!!! This past weekend, the Remnant Fellowship high school and college youth group were able to Periscope through Twitter notification and let all the Remnant Youth all over the world get connected! It was very exciting and simple on the user end and also fun for the youth gathered in Nashville! It quickly spread and by the next day, groups were getting together for game night and Periscoping to include friends around the world in their evening. Our family enjoyed reading the History of the Love of God book with friends and sharing it with those all over! A group of college kids gathered in one home to read the Love book and it went from 12 youth reading to over 50 in no time!
Gwen Shamblin has always encouraged us to connect and extend our love to those who live around the world…and Periscope is doing exactly that! This truly is technology that can be used for GOOD…for the love and connection and growth of the Remnant!
Periscope is an “APP” that lets you share and experience live video streams directly from your smartphone or tablet. It can be used to capture the atmosphere among fans at an important match, to broadcast an unfolding news story, or to experience what it’s like to walk down the streets of New York or Dubai.
The immediacy of the app encourages viewers to participate in what’s happening in the video. Viewers do this by sending comments, which the person sharing the video can respond to in REAL TIME. This feature of Periscope makes for a much more active viewing experience, compared with more traditional ways of experiencing video.
Twitter integration: As Periscope is now owned by Twitter, it’s no surprise that the app is well integrated with Twitter. It allows you to connect easily with your Twitter followers and to notify Twitter followers of your Periscope broadcasts.
Here is a link to a great Resource that explains it in more detail: http://www.webwise.ie/parents/explainer-what-is-periscope/
Now – Check out these quotes from Remnant members who are excited about this CONNECTION!
Sheri Barclay “The Periscope app is yet another God-given treat for us to connect with those in Nashville. The other evening I was able to remotely join in with my friends and watch them sing karaoke. They knew I was online and gave me a virtual hugs and kisses and sweet words of encouragement. I feel so connected!”
Teresa Martin, “Here’s a sweet praise to God – Started our homeschool morning today by letting the Rickmans read Chapter 21 of the Love Book to us (it’s saved on “periscope” if you want to listen again). Thank you, Rickmans!”
Hope Tedder,” The technology that God has provided to keep us connected is incredible!!! Periscope has allowed me to watch youth gatherings, Love book readings, and more! Even though I’m miles away, it felt like I was there in person!!! It is perfect for staying in the middle of the pack, and I’m praising God for this app!”