Watch Tonight’s LIVESTREAM shout outs here.

Hope Tedder and Josh Zinzilieta will host the Wednesday night Livestream shout outs, following our Wednesday night Assembly.
Tonight’s Cafe Menu:
Italian Night! Manicotti, Pizza, Breadsticks, Salad, Mac-n-Cheese. Also, there will be an ice cream bar again tonight!
Child Care Providers and Home School Proctors:
If you are currently caring for children as a provider or proctor please come to a meeting tonight in Theater 77, beginning approximately 20 minutes following the conclusion of our Assembly.
Sabbath Assembly
August 26th:
Everyone is invited to attend the Covenant Wedding Ceremony of Dan Purdy and Sarah Wolgemuth. The prelude music will begin at 5:30pm and the processional will start at 6:00. Colors are grayish French blue and black. With this being a summer wedding the ladies are also welcome to wear whites, creams and ecrus – sundresses. Also, the groomsmen will be in black tie but men are also welcome to wear khaki suits.
For wedding registry information and to read Dan and Sarah’s testimonies visit http://www.RemnantFellowshipWeddings.com
Please note: The Wedding ceremony will take the place of our morning Assembly.
Baby Announcement!
Remnant Fellowship Church is excited to announce the arrival Rosalie Harper Henry, born to Connor and Jennifer Henry on August 11, 2017. Rosalie is the granddaughter to long time members and Remnant Fellowship shepherds, Rusty and Lisa Henry and also granddaughter to Remnant Fellowship member in Alabama, our dear Debbie Hudson.
Rosalie Harper Henry, born August 11, 2017 to Jennifer and Connor Henry.

Connor, Jennifer and Rosalie Henry
We praise God for the blessing of beautiful and healthy babies!
Revolution Class starting Monday, August 28th:
6:00pm in the Church Sanctuary coordinated by Debbie Blair. OPEN to everyone!
Remnant Fellowship Homeschool Co-op: September 7th
- Registration: To register your child, please go to store.weighdown.com and log in to your account. Under “Remnant Members” dropdown, click on “HomeSchool Co-op.”
- Co-op Classes: Watch for an upcoming email regarding the classes being offered this fall.
- Uniforms Drop-Off: Have your children grown out of their uniforms? Drop off gently used uniforms tonight in the Fellowship Hall. Look for Ashley Ellis and Heather Higgins at a table to assist you with tagging and pricing for the upcoming Co-op Uniform sale.
- Uniform Sale: Uniform sale next Wednesday, August 30th and then again on Wednesday, September 2nd in the Fellowship Hall.