October 3rd: Church Announcements and Livestream Link

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Click HERE to watch our Wednesday night Shout Outs!

Tonight’s shout outs will be hosted by Matthew Zinzilieta and Zachary Sanchez.


Tomorrow evening from 6pm-9pm, the church will host an American Red Cross CPR & First Aid Certification Course to better equip our RF Babysitting Team in caring for children and babies. This course will take place in the Fellowship Hall and is for anyone wanting to be a part of the Babysitting Team, as well as anyone needing to renew their CPR certification.


Lauren Lindgren and Aaron Wheeler are engaged! Lauren is the daughter of longtime member Joya Lindgren and Aaron is the son of longtime members Mike and Christy Wheeler. Congratulations you two!

Lindgren-Wheeler Covenant Wedding Ceremony


Welcome to Nashville Mary Barnett from Knoxville, TN and Carolyn White! We are so happy you’re here!


-Cheeseburger Sliders and Fries

-Cheese Fries

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