
March 14, 2013

The History and the Heart – Remnant Fellowship Passover and Resurrection Celebration 2013 – Part Two

Our countdown continues to the time of PASSOVER...and the RESURRECTION CELEBRATION of Jesus Christ. During our Wednesday, March 13th "You Can Overcome" show, Gwen Shamblin delivered a clear, concise, beautiful description of some of the HISTORY and the HEART behind this incredibly important Festival and time of the year.
August 30, 2012

The Remnant Fellowship’s “You Can Overcome!” show – Season TWO is About to Begin!

We all eagerly anticipate SEASON TWO of the "You Can Overcome" show, hosted by Gwen Shamblin and featured at www.remnantfellowship.tv - and for THIS season, we have MOVED to what we pray will be an even BETTER day for mid-week inspiration. We will webcast live every WEDNESDAY, starting at 11:00am Central Time.