“If it wasn’t for this place, I would have nothing.” Remnant Fellowship member, Adam Barnhart, publicly testified at a recent worship service…
Crediting the teachings of Remnant Fellowship for birthing a love for God that now permeates his entire life—changing him from an angry, overweight, controlling person to a healthy man full of elation for “this amazing life.”
Through Remnant Fellowship, Adam learned how to find God’s lead for every aspect of living—resulting in the shedding of 75 pounds of excess weight and the beautiful restoration of all relationships.
“Everything that was a mess in my life has done a 180 and completely changed for the better.”
Married to his wife Corri since 2003, Adam describes the joy of getting to pass Truth down to their two children, Ella and Hudson, and how they already are light years ahead of where he was as a youth. Siting resources such as Weigh Down All Access, the Vision Series and the audio recordings from past Remnant Men’s Gatherings, Adam describes how these resources continue to raise the bar for him and his relationship with God…inspiring him to lead his family by example.
Remnant Fellowship Church was founded in 1999 by Gwen Shamblin and seven others. Located in the heart of Brentwood, TN the church now webcasts its services to over 150 locations around the world. For more information on Remnant Fellowship Church and how to join a worship service locally or via webcast, visit http://www.RemnantFellowship.org
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* Follow Gwen Shamblin on Twitter – https://twitter.com/gwenshamblin
1 Comment
What a glory to God! Beautiful, encouraging testimony!