“Rebuilding the Wall” – Just that PHRASE conjures up so many powerful, emotional, and grateful memories in the hearts and minds of those who are very familiar with that Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship event reference. For those who have been around this Ministry and Church for more than a couple of years, what stirs inside of our souls are feelings of overwhelming gratitude, incredible conviction, and unrelenting HOPE! Yes, for 15 years, Gwen Shamblin has been traveling all over North America…sharing a message of hope, change, volumes of Scripture, and knowing forewarning. She has “sounded the alarm” that people’s hearts continue to grow colder and more distant from our Heavenly Father. And churches all over this country and around the world are NOT giving the population the messages of Truth that they need to hear. On the contrary, the people are being fed lies. They are being told that “everything is okay” and that “GOD understands that you can’t stop sinning…that you can’t give Him your whole heart. That is what Jesus came to do – to cover for your continued sins.” What a shame. What a travesty and twisting of GOD’S wonderful, incredible, GOOD NEWS. And what is the TRUE Good News? Well, as Gwen has been teaching the world for nearly 30 years…and traveling thousands and thousands of miles to proclaim…this Good News is that we CAN lay down sin and give our complete, wholehearted devotion to Him…just like Jesus did! We CAN live victorious lives OVER sin! And there IS a place…a Church…where this is being lived out by a growing number of devoted Christians! It is REAL!
So what is “Rebuilding the Wall,” and how does that tie in with this article’s title, “Changing the World for the Better”? Start with this – Weigh Down has ALWAYS been about much more than just “losing weight.” It has always been about having a right relationship with GOD. She teaches, with words and by example, HOW to lay down ANYTHING that stands between you and GOD…and how to make Him EVERYTHING! Well, what happens when you do this? You lose weight, you quit smoking, you cut back on your drinking, you stop overspending, you stop over-medicating yourself, you become a more loving spouse and/or parent, you become a more attentive, responsible employee or employer, you become HAPPIER…the list literally goes on and on. So then, what next? Well, you naturally want to find other people who feel this same way about GOD and Jesus Christ and about LIFE in general. What’s not to love about having a whole new perspective and purpose and focus in life? What’s not to love about actually appreciating life and being grateful (instead of depressed and negative and unhealthy) for every day?
Over the years, what GOD has done has been to make it very clear that He wants people who are totally devoted to Him to FIND EACH OTHER. So, inspired by the Truth of the Scriptures and a revolutionary understanding of how to explain them to people everywhere, Gwen embarked upon trip after trip, journey after journey, message after message, and sharing testimony after testimony…to let the world know that the church as we know it in these modern times does NOT have to be a collection of people who are NO DIFFERENT than the world full of people who DON’T go to church. In fact, it is WRONG for it to be that way! What Weigh Down has birthed has been completely changed lives, and these people are finding each other, connecting, and worshiping GOD together! This REMNANT FELLOWSHIP CHURCH is a place where GOD reigns, and the testimonies and changed lives speak volumes about how powerful this message is. “Rebuilding the Wall” is about rebuilding what has crumbled over the years…GOD’S CHURCH. It is about giving GOD what He rightfully deserves – wholehearted Saints who are unified in living for Him. And now, after 15 years of traveling many miles to share this Good News and amazing opportunity with anyone who has ears to hear it, those “Walls” HAVE been rebuilt, and His Church is growing! As those Walls continue to expand and include more and more changed, happy, smiling people and beautiful families, these “Rebuilt Walls” are “Changing the World for the Better”!
With all of this said, Gwen is headed back out…on the road again…with a weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio scheduled for Friday and Saturday, March 21st and 22nd – just one month away! This is a tremendous opportunity for YOU to hear more and to share in the incredible GOOD NEWS that this Tour date will bring. Get ready to see and hear more Scriptures explained than ever before. Get ready to meet LOTS of people who have the joy and peace and changed lives that YOU want to have for yourself and your family. You literally have NOTHING to lose. But don’t just take our word for it. Read the following words…testimonies…from people who in the PAST were hurting, overweight, seeking, searching, unhappy, and WANTING to find GOD on a much deeper level than they had ever known of Him. See what THEIR experiences were at these past events…and you will know why you need to make plans to attend and see it for yourself!
As soon as we heard the dates for the Cincinnati RF/WD Tour, we made plans to attend. We drove eight hours to our first one back in November of 2001 (South Bend, Indiana) and it changed the course of our entire lives for the better. It’s simply a must-attend for anyone feeling God’s lead to go all-in with their relationship with God and meet others who can encourage and show you the “how to” apply everything you are learning in Weigh Down to your daily walk. You will see and hear things you can put into practice immediately and change your life! My family wouldn’t miss it!– Catherine – originally from Wisconsin
I attended Rebuilding the Wall Denver in 2002 just to get to hear Gwen speak live. Little did I know I would walk away filled to the brim with God’s Holy Word from Genesis to Revelation made clear for the first time in my life – and that’s after being raised in and going to church for 25 years. I was so excited because I saw with my own eyes the most joyous living examples of people who were so happy doing God’s will and not their own. I visited Remnant the next day and never looked back after that experience. Then I got to go to Rebuilding the Wall Seattle just two months later, and once again I was even more changed for the better and encouraged to keep changing to be just like Christ after spending just 36 hours with tried-and-true, sold out Saints of the Most High God. I made lifelong friends at those events 10 years ago, and we are all closer today than ever before. Needless to say, I have attended every Rebuilding the Wall Tour I possibly have been able to since and am forever changed in a very GOOD way by each one. I wouldn’t miss it for the world if at all possible…and encourage you to do the same. – Elisabeth – originally from Colorado
I am so grateful for this Ministry and the truth that is poured out through the videos, books, music, sermons, website, Facebook, Tweets, etc. And now, an opportunity to attend a live event!??! It is the opportunity of a lifetime to hear this truth poured out in person through the selfless efforts of Gwen Shamblin and the staff at Weigh Down. IT IS A MUST-SEE!! To see it is to believe it!!! We were told from the Stage in 2002 at the Dallas Rebuilding the Wall event to “mark this date down, it will be one for history and forever change your life.” I had this opportunity to see a live event and it was that very day that is written into my family’s history and my life was forever changed. The memory to me is like it just happened – I was that awestruck and so moved. To see the truth poured out and feel the power and conviction through the music, testimonies, and the talks was huge. And to see it lived out and meet those who had been truly set free, showing nothing but a love for God totally backed it all up and showed me even more the “how to.” I knew this was the truth and was producing fruit but because I was surrounded by a world of doubt and hypocrisy I was wondering if it was real, was permanent, and was really for me. It was seeing the hope, the fruit, and Heaven on Earth mentality that was what I had been searching for and now am experiencing. I wanted an opportunity to see that it was real, not just in books or videos, and to see there was hope not only for my heart but for my family was life-changing. I was forever changed and it is written in my family history forever, for it was that day that I made a choice to go “all in” and soon after we became a family dedicated to laying down our lives for this message. I never would have thought a one-day live event would change my life forever, but it did. It’s been 12 going on 13 years and we continue to change for the better and crave more truth! I am down almost 90 pounds, my husband has lost almost 50, and my children are developing a relationship with God that is priceless! There truly is nothing out there right now that can compare and will give you back double the time, money, and energy that you spent to get there! It truly is a must-see, especially if you are craving more truth, have any doubts that this is real, never want to go back, want to make Godly lifelong relationships, need encouragement, want to hear music that sets you free, and so on and so on!! You will be introduced to people who will become your lifelong friends, true family who daily convict by their lives and are not afraid to point you to the truth. – Jill – originally from Texas
I’m so excited just thinking about these Weigh Down events!!! I went to my first event in 2001 and my life hasn’t been the same since… I’ve been set free from years of dieting, anorexia, bulimia, diet pills, laxatives, obsessive exercise, etc.! I met dear friends in 2001 and they are still my best friends to this very day. I’m now married and have a sweet and loving husband and our home is peaceful, and this is because of the TRUTH taught by Gwen Shamblin and Weigh Down Ministries. This upcoming event is worth EVERY penny for travel, EVERY hour you are requesting off from work, and ALL the energy you spend planning! I promise you will be so blessed and we can’t wait to meet you! – Cary – originally from Oklahoma
Attending a live Weigh Down event gave me the final push I needed to find the permanent freedom I had longed for…after a 15-year struggle with bulimia. Meeting so many “real people” who had been totally changed and set free by the Weigh Down teachings gave me the inspiration and tools that I could do it too. That event was a mile-marker for me. Eleven years have passed since then and I am totally free! – Miley – originally from California
We were changed by the Rebuilding the Wall Tour event in Orlando, Florida in 2002. We heard Gwen’s charge that if you are a Christian, prove it to God, not to me. From that moment we knew that we had not been following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We did a 180-degree turnaround to follow the Lord and we have never looked back! We have attended many classes, seminars, and more Rebuilding the Wall events in Denver and Chicago, and we have seen God’s Spirit change many people’s lives for eternity, including ours. We pray that many seeking hearts will come to Ohio. We can’t wait to meet them! – Carmen – originally from Florida
Because of my past experiences with attending Rebuilding the Wall events, I am so excited to attend this next one in Cincinnati. My relationship with God has always been strengthened after I have attended these events. The effort and love that God pours into Gwen Shamblin and her staff to set these events up is breathtaking. God wants so badly for seekers to hear the truth about His laws, His personality, and His pure Church. These events are a step beyond taking one of the Weigh Down classes because Gwen Shamblin wishes to share more about the connection between the Church and the Weigh Down message of laying down sin. The Rebuilding the Wall events give Remnant Fellowship a chance to bring the message out to a city or town and share in-person what it is like to worship in truth and in the Spirit of God! – Jenni – originally from Nashville, Tennessee
Attending a Rebuilding the Wall Tour event is a must and will change your life forever. This Weigh Down program will show you how to lose weight God’s way (lost 50 pounds, kept it off for 12 years) and how to lay down all strongholds and idols that are keeping you from a true relationship with God Almighty, the One True God. My wife and I did Weigh Down classes before the event and the event was the ultimate final step of our commitment to do it God‘s way and die to ourselves. I was convicted and cut to the quick because I wasn’t living the true Christian life. I didn’t walk-the-talk and I believed in the wrong Jesus, and I couldn’t stop sinning because I was taught that I couldn’t stop. What I heard at the Rebuilding the Wall event was strictly from the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and has changed my life forever. I was truly born again that day, February 2nd, 2002. We got baptized three weeks later into the true message of salvation. So I have tried the rest and now I have the best, The One True God and His Son Jesus Christ – Amen and Amen! – Frank – originally from Florida
That is just a SMALL sampling of what literally could be pages and pages and pages FULL of testimonies from people who were forever impacted by these live “Tour” dates. Make a wise and bold decision to attend this “Change the World for the Better” event in Cincinnati. You will mark down that date as an incredible, life-changing turning point…and remember it for the rest of your lives!