When you see or hear Remnant and Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin spreading this Good News message of permanent change and Christ-like love for GOD and for others, you can be sure that Candace Anger is standing somewhere nearby…ready to back it up and share it with the world! With that kind of evangelistic, outward-thinking, always ready to share, selfless mindset and focus, it is no surprise that CANDACE ANGER is our Remnant Staff Member of the Month for July of 2014!
Candace has a unique skill-set and wonderful collection of gifts from the Father. She spent several years doing “theater” in New York City, which is where the Anger family was living when they were introduced to Gwen Shamblin and Weigh Down Ministries. Candace is very “quick on her feet” and is able to talk with anyone about this life-changing message – even if she JUST MET that person. That is quite a gift! You likely will have SEEN Candace as a regular co-host on Gwen’s Wednesday evening “You Can Overcome” shows if you tune in to our webcasts. You may also have HEARD Candace either on Gwen’s 11:20am Live Radio show during the week on www.weighdownradio.com – or perhaps even on the PHONE if you have called the Outreach Staff in our offices. Regardless, Candace has a love for sharing this TRUTH with the world, and Gwen is delighted to honor her and recognize this heart and effort for the month of July! This fervor for GOD and for this message is a blessing to everyone who works closely with her – So take a moment to read a few words from some of those co-workers. You will be encouraged!
Candace’s life is Zion! She is ALL IN for God, and All In behind supporting Gwen and this ministry! She takes every Scripture and every message from Gwen to heart and the fruit is evident. You wouldn’t know how much she has given up for this path by looking at her because God has given back tremendously. She is the same person on stage, in the office, and on the weekends. She makes everyone feel like they are her best friend; she always has an encouraging word, and she never holds back the truth! It is an honor to know, work near, and serve this Church with her! – Jessica Walters
Gwen certainly voiced everyone’s sentiments about Candace…she has a heart for evangelism and she does love to reach out to those who are hurting; those with humble hearts and are true seekers of God. Candace does a fantastic job at evangelism, outreach, and working with new members. She helps to manage the welcome of and communication with all the new members. You can hear the love, joy, and enthusiasm in her voice when she is talking on the phone to either a seeker, someone inquiring about church membership, or a new member. She is very valuable to Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries. – Kent Smith
Candace is such an amazing example of love and selflessness! She constantly spends her mind, thoughts, and actions on the needs of others. She is continually putting into practice what Gwen has taught about putting God and His Kingdom first and then taking care of His children. She always has time for others and truly cares about people finding this truth and being sure they are pointed back to the source so they can continue to connect and grow in their relationship with God. There are so many times in my own life that I have been convicted and encouraged by her actions. I think she must fit 36 hours into every 24! We are all so blessed by her service and love and example as she lives out what she has learned from Gwen and this message. – Jill Snapp
Candace Anger has been another amazing example of zeal for God’s house and for His will to be done. I am truly beyond honored to get to witness her work daily here at Weigh Down. Her heart is sold out for doing the will of God. May God be praised that the gifts she has are being used here at Weigh Down! I get to hear Candace shepherd lambs that want to join the church and how the love for God first is the foundation of this church. I see her taking every charge that is given and not letting it fall to the ground. I pray for blessings on her as she keeps focused on how to share this message of truth with her family and every one she meets. – Jenni Mendl
Candace’s entire life has been transformed by God through our many years under the teaching and guidance of Gwen Shamblin and the Remnant Fellowship. Because of this, her desire to change, help lead our children, and help everyone seeking a relationship with God and answers connect to this Truth truly guides every decision she makes. An incredibly godly wife, mother and a dear Saint! – Tedd Anger – Candace’s husband and a Leader in this Ministry and Church
I love Candace and I am grateful to get to work with her and witness her faithfulness to this message, ministry, and church! She is humble, bold, and so gifted in communicating the truth to those seeking – always giving credit where credit is due. Her love for God is deep and she truly loves others and puts their needs ahead of her own. What an example she is to me! – Debbie Blair
Candace is a beautiful light and example for God’s Kingdom, in the office and out of the office. She faithfully applies these teachings and in turn is able to encourage others to do the same as she helps new members and encourages current members. She is driven to further the kingdom of God and support this message and our precious Leaders! – Tish Dunn
Those are GENUINE words of gratitude from close co-workers, and they are true! We love the Anger family, and Candace does indeed have a heart for the seeking and hurting…following in Gwen’s footsteps. We extend congratulations to her and to the entire Anger family for their steadfast commitment to this Ministry and Church. This message is being spread worldwide with great assistance from their contributions and efforts! This is a very deserving honor, and Gwen personally wanted to recognize Candace for setting an example for Saints everywhere. If you aren’t already PLUGGED IN to this place, please reach out and contact us. STAY CONNECTED…and watch yourself CHANGE to become more Christ-like every day!
1 Comment
Absolutely LOVE Candace and am so thankful to God for her sweet, joy-filled, loving, gentle and consistent example– a woman of God to emulate!